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Brandon sat shivering beneath a park bench, it was raining again. The cold liquid slipped through the cracks in the seat high above him and dripped onto the shrunken human.

In the distance the food truck was passing out free samples, Brandon's mouth watered and his stomach growled, he hadn't eaten in days. If he had been his normal 5'9 height anyone would've thought he was anorexic with his skinny frame, his joints were knobby and stuck out awkwardly. He gnawed on his lip and stared out at the truck that was mocking him, just as Brandon was considering running for it as shadow fell over him.

Brandon yelped and pushed himself back, the much larger being kneeled and peered under the bench, his baby blue eyes locked on Brandon's small form. For a moment they just stared, Brandon knew he had to run, to escape but he couldn't, he was frozen entranced by the giant being.

Before Brandon could register what was happening he was trapped in a gloved fist, struggling for freedom in the man's grip. His arms were trapped at his sides, digging into his ribs. The human still stared down at him with those damn blue eyes, wide with awe and fascination.

The look of a child getting a new toy on Christmas.

The human stood and Brandon's stomach was left on the ground far below. He moaned and leaned against the his knuckle for support, Brandon would've thrown up but there was nothing in his stomach.

The man slipped his hand and Brandon into his pocket. At that point he had given up struggling, he knew he was going to die, he may as well just except it, tears dripped from his chin as tears ran freely.

Brandon didn't realize that man had stopped walking until the human started talking to someone, he couldn't make you the rumbling, loud words. He felt like passing out, maybe the man would merciful and kill him while he was asleep.

Unfortunately no matter how long he kept his eyes close his brain would not let him sleep, he slumped against the man's fist and waited while Brandon waited to be killed he could only imagine all the thing he never got to do, sing in front of a crowd, come out of his family and friends, go to pride, fall in love.

With each shattered dream a tear streamed down his cheek. The human started to walk again, each footstep shaking Brandon to the core. He dealt with the painful reality that each step lead him closer and closer to his death. A door clicked open and Brandon warily looked up warily from his own puddle of misery.

The same door slammed shut making Brandon flinch violently. He started to pray to a God that he didn't believe in, please let me live, please let him have mercy. Please.

He was pulled out of the pocket and instantly Brandon squinted at the light, he blinked a few times before focusing on the face in front of him, he froze, heart lodged in his throat. He shook uncontrollably as the man's eyes scrutinized his tiny form, he felt naked under the sharp eyes of the man.  Even though Brandon never would have admitted it, the man was hot.

Soft features, with a perfect nose, finely shaped eyebrows, and those baby blue pools he called eyes. Suddenly the man smiled and dimples appeared in his cheeks. Brandon would've blushed if he hadn't been so terrified, he shied away from the huge teeth.

He was set down on the table, he wasn't ready for this and stumbled, the human held out a finger and Brandon caught himself with it, as soon as he could stand by himself he let go and stepped back. He wasn't a pet, he wouldn't be treated like one. He man slipped off his gloves and hat to reveal painted nails and turquoise hair.

Brandon stared up with fascinated fear, the man smiled at him. Maybe he's not that bad... Just as Brandon thought this the man reached for him, Brandon cried out covering his face with his arms, shaking. He was wrong, so very wrong. He choked on a sob waiting for a constricting fist to wrap around him.

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