🎄pt. 2

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Jace's POV

Jace was just starting on the ham when brandon burst through the door.

"Wow that was fast." Jace exclaimed. Brandon didn't say anything, he just stood there looking pale. "Babe? You alright?"

Brandon walked over to him and opened his hands, revealing the small boy. Jace gasped and covered his mouth with his hand.

"W-What is he?" Jace asked Brandon.

"I don't know. I found him lying in the snow, he's looks hurt. Can you help him Jace?"

"I-I think so. May I?" Jace asked holding out his hands. Brandon nodded and carefully and carefully put the boy in Jace's hands. Jace gasped as he felt the small weight hit his hands. "Can you start a fire? He needs to get warmed up."

"Yeah sure." Brandon said running out the door to get firewood.

"Alright little guy let's see here." Jace murmured to the small unconscious child. As jace looked over the boy, he noticed some blood on his shirt sleeve. Jace took a pair of scissors and carefully cut open is sleeve revealing a deep (for the boy) cut.

Jace bit his lip and hoped that it wouldn't need stitches. Jace went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. He took out the gauze and started to wrap up the boy's arm. Brandon walked in from outside. Cheeks red from the cold.

"Is he okay?" Brandon asked worried.

"I think he's going to be fine. He has a cut on his arm, it's probably from an animal of some sort, but I don't know when he's going to wake up."

Brandon nodded and started the fire. He sat down next to Jace on the couch, when jace finished wrapping his arm he set him on the coffee table next to the couch. He covered the boy with a clean tissue, and cuddled up next to brandon. It didn't last long before Jace got up.

"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.

"I'm going to make some soup. He's probably going to be hungry and soup would be easy to eat."

"I'll help." Brandon offered.

"No if he," Jace said pointing at the 3 inch boy. "Wakes up, he might try to run, and hurt himself more. Just watch him. That would help a lot"

"But Jace what if he wakes up and I hurt him more? He's gonna be terrified, I'm not good with kids Jace you know that!" Jace gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips to silence him.

"You'll be fine, if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen just call me." Jace reassured, Brandon gnawed on his lip before nodded, Jace smiled and walked to the kitchen.

Boaz's POV

Boaz slowly woke up, and instantly realized that he wasn't in the same place where he fell unconscious. When he lost consciousness he was lying in the freezing snow, but now he was lying somewhere. Somewhere... warm. He looked up, only to see a giant staring at him with gaping a face.

Boaz gasped in horror. He jumped up and started to run away but didn't make it very far before a wave of nausea hit him, and he fell back. Instead of hitting the wood of the table like he expected he hit a warm fleshy surface. Boaz screamed when he realized the giant had caught him in one of his hands.

"Hey, it's okay." He said.

"N-no please don-don't hurt me." Boaz sobbed weakly.

"I wouldn't dream of it." The giant said but the kind words meant nothing to Boaz, why was the giant playing with him? Boaz scrubbed his face of tears, and shakily stood up, with the help of the giant's index finger.

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