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Ashley ⬆️


Archer laid back on the soft grass, far above his head birds swooped and flew under the clear blue sky. He took in a deep breath and let it out, this was the life. He turned his head sideways and softly smiled.

A curious little doe had approached, Archer smiled and rested down his hand beside it. It backed up a few steps before cautiously sniffing the giant hand. Archer grinned, he wanted to pet it but he knew that he would scare it away.

There was a yell from the nearby forest and instinctively he shot to sitting position, the little deer scampered back and ran into the woods. Archer frowned in disappointment, he turned to the forest where there was shrieking laughter.

Archer got to his feet and crouched down, he crawled into the forest. He made sure that he was hidden by leaves and trees, he peered through and saw two humans walking on a trail. They looked fairly young, late teens.

They walked on the mountain trail, about where Archer's head would be at his full height. There was a girl and a boy. The girl giggled, she was holding a camera in her hand and filming the boy in front of her. The boy looked more on edge, he was looking around nervously.

His eyes panned over to Archer and he quickly ducked down to be sure he was hidden. Archer listened in, "So as the legend goes," The boy told the camera, "There is a giant that resides in this very forest."

Archer stiffened and his heart started to pound, they were looking for him? "Now this has not been confirmed, there have been stories and blurry photos but no solid proof has been brought to the surface." He continued.

The girl flipped around the camera, "Which pretty much means there's nothing here and people were just trying to stir up attention," She said blandly.

Archer bit his lip, the boy rolled his eyes, "Anyway, this legend started only a few years ago, a few campers said that they saw something. The ground would shake maybe due to footsteps, they would hear a loud almost rumbling voice."

Archer cringed back, that experience had been when he was younger and less careful. "Okay wow, solid evidence right there, a few drunk old men heard some shit in the middle of the night." The girl said sarcastically.

Archer bit his cheek so he wouldn't laugh, he liked these humans. His smile fell and shattered on the floor as he remembered they were looking for him, to expose him. Archer shuddered at the thought and ducked back.

As they continued to talk Archer realized they their job was to search for and create videos on myths, legends, supernatural creatures. He could tell that the girl, Ashley didn't believe in most of what they looked for, while the boy, Chris was a hardcore believer.

Archer followed the two through the forest, he knew he shouldn't be this close to the humans. It was incredibly dangerous considering their intentions. As it got later Archer could clearly see that Ashley was quickly losing interest.

"It's getting dark, we should go home. I'm tired," She whined dramatically.

Chris rolled his eyes and turned, "Come on, it's not that dark. Just a bit farther." He convinced her as he walked backwards. Ashley groaned and Chris grinned with a shrug.

"Wait Chris!" Ashley yelled, reaching her free hand out. He turned just in time to see that he ran out of space to walk. Archer's eyes widened as the tiny human fell, instinctively he ran out and caught Chris.

Archer relaxed as he realized the human was safe but then he realized what he'd done and looked up, locking eyes with Ashley. Her camera was pointing right at him, he stiffened and instinctively brought Chris to his chest and took a shaky step back.

The human in his hands yelped and he dumped Chris back beside Ashley who kept her camera trained on Archer. He could feel himself trembling which seemed insane considering that he was so much larger than the two humans.

"Y-You exist," Chris whispered, Archer bit his lip and took a step back. He couldn't take his eyes off of the camera, that was what sealed his fate. He wanted to run, to forget that this encounter ever existed but he knew that he'd eventually be caught if he did.

"Woah, woah it's okay," Chris stated, holding up his hands, sensing Archer's fear. He took the camera from Ashley who was still staring in shock, he threw it over the edge of the cliff. "I-I's okay, the footage is gone."

"P-Please y-you can't tell anyone, I-I like my life," He whispered, Chris's eyes softened in sympathy and he nodded.

"We won't, right Ash?" Chris asked, nudging her. Ashley shook off her shock and nodded.

Archer wiped away tears that had gathered in his eyes, "T-Thank you, b-be careful on your way home." He whispered, backing away from them. He turned and stepped away, trying to calm his fast beating heart.

In secret he followed Ashley and Chris to make sure they didn't pull anything but Archer could never really know if they were going to tell people. He just had to have faith in their promise.


Short, sweet, simple ❤︎

High key based off Buzzfeed Unsolved aka my shit. Mostly the big foot episode tho

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