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written anonymously, i love this a lot, be more chill, it's a gr8 musical, i highly recommend <3


Jeremy trudged home from school, his blue cardigan pulled over his head as an attempt to shield himself from the rain. The teen grumbled, breaking into a light jog to get home faster. Out of all the days he decided to walk home, he just had to get hit with a rainstorm.

Jeremy rounded a corner, ducking under a tree for a moment to catch his breath. He brushed his now-soaking hair out of his eyes, exhaling in relief.

To his surprise, he heard a small whimper from below him.

Jeremy's eyes narrowed in confusion, as he looked down to the roots of the tree. There- under one of the thick roots, a flash of color where it shouldn't be.

Curiosity got the best of the high schooler as he got down on his knees, ignoring the mud that soaked his jeans. Kneeling, Jeremy peeked under the root and let out a soft gasp.

His eyes landed on a miniscule, shaking boy. He was no bigger than Jeremy's thumb, and was trembling profusely. The poor thing was drenched- his red hoodie and dark brown hair was soaked. He stared at Jeremy with wide, terrified eyes through a pair of thick glasses. He couldn't have been much older than Jeremy, but he watched him fearfully as he hugged his arms to his chest as if he could protect himself somehow.

"Holy shit." Jeremy breathed.

He was enraptured, unable to take his eyes off the tiny thing. He leaned forward a bit, but froze when he saw how the boy yelped and pushed himself backwards.

"Hey... hey little dude." Jeremy coaxed, reaching towards the shivering thing. The boy cried out and tried to push away Jeremy's fingers as he gently scooped him up. "Relax, man. I'm won't hurtcha."

He squirmed fruitlessly in Jeremy's grip, crying out helplessly with his eyes screwed shut. Jeremy rolled his eyes a bit, seeing his panicky reaction.

"Jeez, stop wigglin'!" the high schooler scolded, trying to keep a firm grip on the slippery thing. At that, the tiny creature just curled himself up into a ball, his cries fading into timid whimpers. Jeremy felt kind of bad, seeing how scared this boy was of him. He didn't want to be frightening, but he couldn't leave him out here alone in the rain.

Huffing, Jeremy stood up, holding the boy in cupped hands. He heard an alarmed gasp come from between his fingers, but ignored it as he gently slipped the boy into his chest pocket. He squirmed in resistance, but eventually gave up and fell backwards into Jeremy's pocket.

"There ya go." Jeremy smiled, feeling the little thing curl up in the corner of his pocket. He had to admit, this tiny guy was adorable. "I'll take you to my place, and we can get you all dried off. How does that sound?"

He got no response. He wasn't even sure if the little guy could understand him. Jeremy had no idea what he was- he seemed just like a shrunken person, but for all he knew, this thing could be some sort of alien.

Jeremy looked into his pocket, and saw the boy curled up with his hands over his head. Nah. Too cute to be an alien.

Jeremy walked home carefully, not wanting to jostle his tiny passenger. After a few blocks, he felt the boy's ever present trembling begin to fade, until he was completely still. Jeremy curiously opened his pocket again, and a gasp escaped his lips when he saw the boy asleep. His head leaned against the wall of his chest, his glasses slightly askew. Jeremy smiled warmly, before closing his pocket once more and continuing home.


Michael rolled on his back and groaned, his clothes damp. Was there a leak in the floorboards again? He grumbled and patted around for his glasses, finding them next to him and placing them on his face. He blinked a couple times, surprised at the bright light above him. The borrower shifted slightly, his eyes falling on- oh god no.

His current situation came flooding back to him.

In front of him sat the human, watching him with his head propped on his hands. Michael let out a yelp, pushing himself backwards, wanting to put as much distance between them as possible.

The human exhaled, the air blowing through Michael's hair, making him shiver. "Look who's finally awake." the huge being mused. "I was startin' to get worried, man."

Michael flinched at how loud the human was at this proximity. The borrower was overwhelmed- his curious face was filling his vision. Unsure of what to do, he squeezed his eyes shut and brought his knees up to his chest.

He stayed like that, shivering for a moment before he felt something huge and warm brush against his shoulder. Michael cried out, flinching backwards and attempting to scramble off.

Much to his dismay, two hands came down on either side of him, blocking his path.

"Hey, woah woah woah woah." the human hushed, cocking his head. "I told you, man, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Michael could barely process what he was saying- the borrower was focused on escape and escape only. He felt panic bubbling in his chest, his breathing shaky and labored.

"What's your name, lil' dude?" he heard from above, and shifted his gaze back to the face towering above him. Michael refused to answer that question, and instead just fearfully stared at the human.

"Well, my name is Jeremy." the human continued. "Can you even understand me?"

Michael swallowed, before nodding hesitantly.

Jeremy's eyes lit up. "Ah, sweet! I was worried you didn't know what I was saying, heh..." He continued to stare at Michael, before opening up his mouth again. "Can you talk?"

Michael looked down at his hands. "Uh... y-yeah." This human was confusing him- yeah, he had abducted him, but he was showing no malicious intentions.

Jeremy's grin widened. Michael shuddered a bit at his teeth- it would take no effort for the human to crunch him in half.

"You have a name, right? I don't wanna have to keep calling you 'little guy'." Jeremy continued, his eyes never leaving the shaking borrower.

Michael picked at his hoodie sleeves a bit. He hesitated before, opening his mouth to speak.

"M-Michael. My name is Michael."


i'm lonely and bored hmu

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