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Calvin laid shaking on the floor, visibly pale. He was dizzy and nauseous, he'd thrown up twice already. He was in a car for the first time, the poor borrower locked securely in a metal cage.

As the car continued its trek to god knows where, music pounded over the speakers making Calvin's head spin. He tried to stand but he was too weak, he collapsed back onto the floor with a pained whimper.

He was kidnapped when out borrowing, he lived in the walls of a cheap motel. Or had lived. Calvin whimpered, tears dripping down his chin.

"Just a bit longer before you have a brand new owner, try not to fuck it up this time." She hissed, Calvin flinched as the woman spoke. Her icy eyes watched him in the reflection of the mirror. Her red nails tapped the steering wheel as they halted at a red light. The same nails sharp that had dug into his sides as he was hoisted into the air, that had tortured, trained him for months in preparation.

Calvin's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out cold on the metal floor of the cage.


"It's not very often you get a deal as good as this one," Calvin groaned softly at the loud voices overhead.

He was lying uncomfortably on his back, Calvin forced his heavy-lidded eyes open. He sharply gasped, overhead was the woman who'd taken him but also a new man, one Calvin couldn't recall. Instantly he began to tremble.

The man's brown eyes followed him for a few moments, he silently slid his fingers through the bars and stroked Calvin's soft hair making the boy flinch. The fingers weren't as rough as he expected but they still weren't pleasant.

The human continued to pet for a few moments before he looked up at the woman. "I'll take him," he said, his voice deep and rich.

She grinned and Calvin shied back. He took his fingers out of the cage and they exchanged money. The freshly cleaned cage was roughly picked up causing Calvin to tumble into the wall closest to the man who was now his owner. Calvin scrambled back, the human didn't seem to notice his fear and grinned at him, eyes sparkling with excitement.

The man took the cage in his gentle hands, holding it securely against his chest. He nodded to the woman who was too busy counting bills to notice.

Calvin's cage was placed back down in a new car, this one smelling of air fresheners rather than cigarettes. He backed as far away from the human as he could as the human looked in and smiled, "Hi there, love," he smiled brightly, he opened the cage and Calvin pressed himself against the bars, trembling.

"You know you don't have to be afraid of me right?" The giant whispered suddenly, Calvin flinched.

"Y-Yes master," he murmured, his training coming into play. Never talk back, don't speak unless spoken to, never disagree.

The human paused, he slowly withdrew his hand and he looked at Calvin, his eyebrows furrowed. The borrower shied back. "What?" The human asked firmly.

"I-I said, 'yes ma-'" he began.

"No, no, you called me," he cringed, "Master." Calvin looked up in confusion and nodded, "Don't call me that, alright little one?"

Calvin stiffened, "B-But I was s-suppose-" he froze. He was talking back, "I-I mean of-of course, master-" he shook his head, "I mean sir, I-I mean-" Calvin began to panic.

"Shh, it's okay, just call me Leon, okay sweetheart?"He calmly told Calvin, with a patient smile.

The borrower blinked in confusion as he repeatedly tapped his fingers against each other, "Leon, Leon, Leon." He repeated softly, thoughtfully to himself. He had a tendency for forgetting names, Calvin didn't want to forget, he was afraid of what the human might do if he forgot.

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