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written by anonymous <3


"Come on, kiddo. Open it up." Someone says. I listen intently, staring at the blackness that I've come to know for several hours straight. I am an inferior. I'm a pet, and by a pet I mean a usually mindless doll that humans seem to love to have. But I've learned to understand things. I've learned to comprehend my feelings and to hear words and know what they mean.

But my intelligence isn't something that humans like. They like to be smarter, stronger, bigger than their pets and I can understand that. So I won't say a thing and I'll act as dumb as the others. Because this is my life now.

I don't have a choice. I never did. No one ever does.

Light filters into my room. I turn my back on it's radiance and almost hiss at its sudden appearance. A gasp. A new shadow. A hand, clutching me, grabbing me, shoving me hard against a chest.

I can't breathe.

I hear the cut short of another small voice, like mine. I remember that we were bought together. I can hear his breath hitch in his throat. He must be terrified.

And suddenly -

sobs. Full, heart-broken, anguished sobs of utter despair.

Fear is laced in and out of his cries.

I can only listen, my vision is blocked by the thick material of this body's sweater. But as I try desperately to feel, to feel anything emotion at all, I know that I can't. I don't feel a single thing except for physical pain. And that is because I have a brain that understands that knows that has no room for mushy feelings because it's bubbling busy as a bee cramped by intelligence.

But this boy besides me. He has a heart, something inside of me that is unnaturally still and unfeeling. It knows nothing but neglect.

And I'm put together by the strings of only necessity. Nothing else. I am a hollow figurine, my insides carved out and replaced with smarts.

"Oh, why are you crying? I won't hurt 'cha." The voice of whom the body belongs to is masculine. I'm sucking in oxygen like it's a gift from the heavens.

"My name is Clover, and.." His tone hushes and I feel myself shift. I can finally see again. I look up at the boy who is holding me and I watch him nod at someone else. He says nothing. Stands up and walks away. Takes both of us with him, me sitting in one hand while my companion is in the other. I deeply sigh, listening to the now softened pleas of desperation ringing out pitifully from him.

I reach my hand out to him, place it on his lap.

I search for comforting words. I find none, but throw together what I can.

"We'll be okay." Is all I can force myself to spit out. I don't believe it, but I do anything to quiet him. My ears are trembling with pain not just from the rumbling of Clover above but from
his wallowing as well. I've learned his name is quite literally Button, and I've come to this conclusion due the constant murmuring of Clover as he paces around his room, looking for something and grabbing things in his hands. We're sitting on a shelf now, an empty shelf with just two rectangles made of cotton sitting boringly on its ground.

I stand up. I almost spit at the name I tell myself to use. "Sir, what exactly are you doing?" I ask, feeling compelled to start some sort of conversation. Obedience is key - and then I remember.

I have spoken.

And inferiors never, ever speak.

They're incapable.

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