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By UGHlashton  🙏🙏🙏


Isak licked his lips nervously as he watched the human – Even - get ready for bed. He glanced towards the mesmerising movements of Even's exposed back muscles ripple as he stretched, a loud yawn pulled from his pink lips.

As loud as it was, the little borrower couldn't help but think how cute it was.

After changing into simple sweats, to which Isak politely looked away, Even turned off the lights, leaving them in complete darkness before setting into bed. As any other teen would do, Even scrolled through his phone, the brightness of the phone illuminating the entire room as Isak shied behind a stack of books.

However, as time passed and it turned to early morning, Even slept peacefully as soft, gentle breaths escaped his lips. Isak let a ghost of a smile rest on his rosy pink lips. Grabbing his bag, he stood up, wincing as his knees groaned with displeasure at the sudden movement.

He followed the path he had been taking for the last two weeks that led him towards the beside table, the soft pitter patter of his sock clad feet and Even's shallow breathing being the only two sounds in the deadly quiet room.

The path was incredibly convenient; it was a decorative shelf that wrapped itself around the room, almost like a pathway. All he had to do to get to the bedside table was jump down.

As his feet hit the wooden table, he gradually made his way towards the bed where the human slept. It never ceased to amaze him how beautiful this creature was. Dirty blonde hair that felt in shags and captivating blue eyes that pulled you in only to drown you like the waves of the ocean. His uneven amount of freckles stood out drastically against his fare skin ton. His lips that seemed so perfect and cheeks oh so chubby that dimples that could swallow Isak appeared when he smiled. He was a work of art that Isak felt he wasn't worthy enough to witness.

As he jumped onto the bed, he grabbed onto the blanket to keep him from falling. This had become usual to Isak, a ritual even. It had started out innocent, one night, it had been freezing, to the point where Isak couldn't feel his hands. And sleeping Even looked oh so alluring, heat basically radiating off of him.

So, he snuck up here to sleep with him. Only for a few hours, he always left before Even would wake up. Now, Isak couldn't see the harm in using Even for survival uses only. And it had been a while since he had contact with anyone alive.

He didn't see the harm in it though, he was sneaky about it. It wouldn't hurt him if the human didn't even know about it.

With a huff, Isak jumped up and grabbed the blanket to hoist himself up onto Even's bare and comforting chest, right above his rhythmic heartbeat. Isak let his pack roll to the mattress of the bed before snuggling into his chest, inhaling deeply to capture all his senses. He smelt of lavender. The smile once again rested on his lips as he let sleep take over, letting him escape for a couple of hours.


There it was again, the familiar weight on his chest. Barely weighing more than a flower or a feather. But it was there. Even held back a smile as he felt the boy shift, getting comfortable on his chest. He waited until the boy's breathing evened out before opening his eyes slowly. He smiled.

There he was, all curled up into a ball on his chest, looking small and adorable with a smile playing on his lips.

Even knew about the boy's visits, and he really didn't mind. It started about two weeks ago. It was freezing in the house yet his mother refused to turn the heat up so Even was left shivering under piles of blankets. He fell asleep, yet awoke to a cold object against his neck.

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