🌊pt. 2

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12 years later

Luke watches the terrifying water with wide eyes as he floats on a small lifeboat. He had been on the boat for his fishing job since his whole mercreature study flunked. It paid okay, he guessed it was because nobody wanted to be out at sea with mercreatures lurking around.

They were attacked and brought down by a huge mermaid clan, roughly about 40 feet tall each. Luke shudders at the memories, tears dripping down his cheeks and falling into the water. He didn't know how many survivors there were, maybe he was the only one who made it out alive.

The strange thing though when they brought down the ship, the mermaids seemed in pain and stopped attacking. The waves caused Luke to float away, drifting off in as the sun started to rise.

That was only a few hours ago.

Luke starts to sobs, his shoulders heaving with trembles of fear. It wouldn't be long until one of the mermaids got him and ate him, securing his fate.

Luke curls into himself, his wet blonde hair falling into his face. He hates it, he hates the ocean!

Suddenly, the boat starts to sway a bit rougher making Luke choke on his sobs. Here they come, he thinks sadly. I'm going to die, I'm going to die.

Nothing happens for a while and Luke nervously peers over the edge. Big mistake as his breath catches in his throat.

A merman.

Luke gapes at his size, easily tripling the sizes of the mermaids. Luke could easily fit inside his palm and be towered by huge, tree-like fingers.

Luke can't help the cry that escapes his mouth as tears trail down his cheeks. "Help me! Please!"

The giant merman continues to circle the terrified human, creating powerful waves in the process. A large tail slowly broke the water's surface, the light blue color shimmering in the sunrise's glow. Luke gasps, a bewildered expression etched on his face at the large scar trailing down the left fin.

Luke can't help the scream that escapes his lips as a large tuff of wet, brown hair fills his entire view along with curious huge brown eyes that Luke could see his own pathetic, trembling figure in the reflexion.

(Picture above)The merman seems out of breath as he pants, his Adam's apple visible as well as the veins on his neck. Several large cuts are on displace of his shirtless, wet body. Luke gulps at the sight of such a godlike creature with his sculpted body cover in glisten droplets.

The merman seems relieved as his sharp eyes soak in Luke's body. Luke's knees quiver underneath him. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

Luke trembles, hiding his face in his hands as a large finger slowly approaches him. Silent tears trail down his flushed cheeks, waiting for the impact that never comes.

Luke flinches, feeling the creature's thumb run over his blonde hair, making it damp it the process. It's so... careful. As if he doesn't want to hurt him.

The action repeats itself until Luke cautiously peeks up at the insanely attractive merman who offers a little smile. Adorable little dimples appear where his freckles are and a small blush coats his cheeks.

Suddenly, the merman's hand tenderly wraps around Luke's trembling back making him yelp, staring with wide, blue eyes. Luke is certain that the thumb pressed gently against his chest can feel his heart about to burst out of his chest as he is lifted up.

Luke whimpers, his tummy flipping as the merman keeps a secure grip on him, not letting him fall. Luke kicks his legs wildly, shaking with panic. He's gonna be eaten, oh my god.

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