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Mikey yawned and stretched his arms high above his head, with some effort he managed to get out of his cozy bed and into the kitchen.

He poured himself a steaming cup of coffee and went to the door to let his cat in. Mikey opened the door and shuddered as they were a blast of chilly air. He wrapped his arms around himself and grabbed the cat's dish, swishing it around so the cat could hear its food.

Mosby scampered inside and Mikey winced as he saw the watery footprints the cat was bringing in. Much to his surprise the cat completely ignored the food, Mikey furrowed his brows, the cat never hesitated to begin eating his food.

Mikey set down his coffee and scooped up the cat as he realized there was something in his mouth, he scowled in disgust, probably a mouse or bird. He pried open Mosby's jaws and the cat squirmed and hissed.

Mikey's eyes went wide, it looked like a doll, a very, very realistic doll. He was gentle as he took it from his cat's mouth. He set the cat down, never taking his eyes off the feminine figure in his palm.

He looked closer, god it was tiny, no. He was tiny, Mikey's eyes widened. It must've been a fairy of some type. Beautiful iridescent wings sprouted from the tiny boy's shoulder blades, upon closer inspection he noticed a small tear in the left wing. God he couldn't have been larger than four inches. His lips were practically blue, tiny icicles clung to his hair.

Mikey's eyebrows furrowed in concern and he held the boy closer, shooting a glare in Mosby's direction. He god out some medical tape and gauze, gently he laid the boy on his stomach so he could have full access to his back. His shirt was made of thin material, two slits were cut at his shoulder blades so his wings could poke through.

Gently he tugged the shirt off of him, he frowned. There were many cuts, no doubt caused by Mosby. He cleaned him up the best he could, he used medical tape to tape the tear so it could properly heal. Mikey cut a piece out of his favorite blanket, he wrapped him up tight in hopes of keeping him warm.

He heated up broth and used an eyedropper to feed him, Mikey spent his whole day nursing the boy. He sat on the couch and flipped on the tv, he was scrolling through channels when he heard a weak cough. His eyes flicked down and widened, his green eyes met purple hues; glazed over with sickness. In the irises he saw fear that the fairy was too weak to express.

The fairy's eyes fluttered shut and he was once again asleep, for the next few days it became a cycle. The boy would drift in and out of consciousness as Mikey continued to care for him. He'd change his bandages, help him sip broth, once even giving him a bath.

Though he was weak it became apparent that he wasn't as afraid of Mikey, when awake, he'd softly smile at him. Almost thanking him. As Mikey was watching tv, he looked down to see the fairy awake, his vibrant purple eyes looked up at him. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, he furrowed his little brows and tried again.

Mikey gently shushed him, "Don't waste your energy," He told him softly. He ran a finger across the boy's cheek. The fairy leaned into his gentle touch and latched onto his finger tip with his miniscule hands.

He stayed awake that night, too weak to do much of anything but strong enough to be company to Mikey. The next morning he looked better, his skin was a much healthier shade, he was awake, his eyes bright. Mikey set him on the counter, "Do you feel good enough to try solid food?" He asked softly.

The fairy bit his lip and hesitantly nodded. Mikey wished he was able to speak, he wondered what his voice sounded like. He made something simple, buttered toast. "Eat what you can." He murmured, handing him a small piece.

The boy nibbled on it hesitantly, Mikey ate silently. He watched as the boy ate, he finished and wiped off his hands. The human grabbed a piece of paper and a piece of lead that had snapped from a pencil. He placed it in front of the fairy who looked up in confusion.

"You should write your name, so I can call you by something." Mikey told him. The fairy blushed softly and took the lead, he wrote slowly, carefully.


Mikey grinned and tried the name out, it fit. Joseph didn't eat all of the toast as expected, the human took what was left and popped it into is mouth.

"Cute, it fits," He laughed as the Joseph turned red and buried his face in his shirt. A few days later Joseph attempted to stand, he stumbled and fell, luckily Mikey was able to catch him.

They took it slow, Mikey aiding Joseph as he tried to walk. "There, there you got it, you got it." He whispered, he held his hands so Joseph could support himself. Slowly he removed his hands, Joseph whimpered and his legs gave out. Mikey caught him.

Joseph let out a frustrated sob, clearly feeling helpless. Mikey was quick to scoop him up and wipe away his tears. He shushed him and cradled him to his chest. After a few more tries and more tears Joseph was able to stand on his own and walk a few feet.

Through the next few weeks he'd be able to walk just fine, no longer needing help walking. His wings also healed so he was able to fly all over the house. But his voice still hadn't come back to him yet.

Mikey could see it was frustrating the fairy as he tried to speak once again. "Relax, it's alright we have time. Just take it slow." He told him with a smile.

Joseph scowled, "It's not that easy." His eyes widened and Mikey's followed suit.

"Did you just-" Mikey stopped mid sentence.

"I think I just-" He covered his mouth before he laughed joyously and pumped his fists in the air. Mikey scooped him up and spun him around.

"You did it Joseph! I knew you could, I knew it!" He praised, hugging Joseph to his chest.

Joseph giggled, god his voice was beautiful, sweet and smooth, like honey. He smiled down at him and brushed back his hair. "Thank you so much, Mikey." Joseph whispered, his voice raspy.

Quickly Mikey got him water for his throat that had remained silent for so long, he gratefully took it. "Thank me?" He asked, cocking a brow. "For what?"

Joseph held the cap to his chest and pondered the question. "W-Well, for everything I guess. You saved my life!" He laughed.

Mikey threw his head back and laughed, "Well you're welcome, Joseph." He grinned widely, feeling proud of himself.

Joseph gestures him closer, Mikey cocked a brow but obeyed. He leaned in. The fairy giggled and urged him closer still. Mikey hesitantly obeyed, Joseph grinned and grabbed onto the top of Mikey's nose and pressed a kiss into it.

He giggled softly as Mikey went red, before smiling. "Love you, Mikey." He murmured with a soft smile.

"Love you too, Joseph." He whispered back, grinning ear to ear.


okey so i found this in one of my older gt piles and i fixes it up and finished it.

i really, really want to write sad stuff. like really sad, cause that's my mindset right now. but i'm trying to write more fluff cause maybe it'll make me feel better?

idk i could use some fluff, any gt story recommendations?

bye guys <3

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