🌸 pt. 2

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"Hey sorry about freaking out yesterday," Rick apologizes as he opens the door for me to enter. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly, stepping inside of the house. "I just hate when my pet disobeys me, you know? I really knocked some sense into him, though."

I laugh nervously, praying Patches would be alright, safe and protected. And that was my mission.

"Here, I'll go grab him so he apologizes," Rick rushes up the stairs, leaving me to hope and pray he was in one piece.

Suddenly, I hear a bang and a loud 'shit!' as Rick races downstairs, anger and irritation in his voice. "That fucker got out of his cage!" He roars, clenching his fists. I perk up. I have a plan.

"Rick," I soothe, cringing at his furious face. "I'll help you, I'll look upstairs, you stay down here, just in case." He nods, grunting as he starts to search in the kitchen for the Human.

I rush upstairs, knowing that Patches wouldn't have been able to make it downstairs at his size. I scan each door, hoping the one covered in posters is his room. I enter, my hazel eyes quickly scanning everything as I pull out my phone.

I open up Grayson's contact, my brother, and call. I'm still looking for Patches as the phone rings. "C'mon," I mutter impatiently under my breath as I look under Rick's bed. "Pick up."

I freeze as I lock eyes with fearful blue ones, almost shaking. He's terrified. His small, fragile form quivers under my gaze as purple bruises decorate his milky skin from head to toe. His cheeks are flushed with red and tears that trail down silently. "Grayson, I'm at Rick's house," I say as soon as he picks up, completely skipping over greetings. "You gotta pick me up, bro. Say there's a family emergency or something but get your ass over here, now."

"Bro, what the-" I hang up before he can answer, tucking my phone in my pocket as I carefully climb on my stomach, hoping to get to Patches' height.

"Hey, little guy," Patches cringes at my voice, even though that's as soft as I can get it. He curls into himself, sniffling quietly. "I'm gonna get you out of here, gonna get you somewhere where it's warm and safe and there's good food, how does that sound?" I ask him softly.

No answer.

"I'm gonna reach under the bed now, okay? We'll go someplace safe where you can sleep in a nice, cozy bed and get that nasty collar off of you. How does that sound, sweetpea?" He chokes on quiet sobs, bags under his dull eyes that pull on my heart strings.

With the most careful hands, I gently reach under the bed. He tries to crawl away, pitiful cries escaping his broken frame as he traps himself in the corner, looking like a trapped animal with disheveled hair and scared eyes.

I slowly nudge him into my waiting hands, shivers sent down my spine as little hands make contact with my skin. He's so tiny, he doesn't even come close to filling up my hands.

I coo softly, slowly and carefully standing up, keeping him safely cuddled to my warm chest. He quivers under my touch. Some tears well up in my own eyes. "Please don't cry," my voice is raw and emotional. "I'll keep you safe."

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