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idk what the emoji means but it's by my boo UGHlashton so it doesn't really matter :)


It had been five days since Jaeden had been adopted. Five days tucked away in his cage while his fourteen-year-old owner, Wyatt, tried hopelessly to get his new pet to move, to eat, to talk. It was all fruitless as Jaeden just tucked his knees into his chest and hid his tearstained face in them.

Surprisingly, Wyatt hadn't made any effort to move the fragile tiny from his comfort corner. He was very kind and spoke softly when talking to Jaeden so he didn't have to cover his sensitive ears. However, no amount of coaxing could get him out of his corner.

When Wyatt went to school, he would leave to cage door wide open so Jaeden could roam around freely in his room. He had thought on several occasions to try and escape but he knew if he got caught the consequences would be gigantic. The humans always caught him.

Jaeden's life here was drastically better than his previous owner's setup but for all he knew, Wyatt could have been faking it. Humans were cruel and disgusting things that abused their power over the tinies.

Every night since Jaeden had gotten here was the same; Wyatt would try to coax little Jaeden out of his hiding spot, Jaeden would stay quiet until he went away, Wyatt would go to sleep as would Jaeden, usually after he had cried. But tonight was different.

Wyatt wished Jaeden a good night, sighing longingly when Jaeden was unresponsive. Jaeden saw the lights turn off and heard Wyatt crawl into bed. He bit his lip, curling up into a ball on the ground, complete ignoring the blanket that Wyatt had given him.

When he fell asleep, he was met with the worst nightmare he had ever had. Because it was a memory.

It was him, his older sister and his mom, shaken and terrified as they hid under the floor. Jaeden's dad had been taking and he could still hear his screams as the humans tore him apart, separating each limp one by one as a child would do to a fly.

His mother had clamped a hand over their mouths as silent tears trailed down their cheeks. They waited, and waited, and waited.

The anticipation was the worst part as they heard the humans' footsteps from above, stomping and looking. For them. Jaeden's heart stopped beating as he heard the humans gather around their general area, conversing among themselves when suddenly a large ax tore through the wooden floorboard.

His mother and sister screamed as Jaeden clung onto his sister, Sarah, as tears spilled down his face. "There they are!"

His mother was the first to go. Fingers grabbed onto her waist and pulled her away, even when Sarah tried to grab the soft fabric of her dress. Then it was Sarah who went after. She punched, screamed, kicked and swore. There were some hoots from the humans, more screaming. Then a crunch. The silence was heartbreaking.

Jaeden watched with wide eyes, tears overflowing his vision as he bit back a scream. The hand came back again, looking for him. Jaeden could only see the red that stained the glove. "C'mon out, little guy," he teased, the fingers looking for him as he pushed himself up against the wall, panting and crying. He was only nine. "I saw you squirming."

The fingers grabbed him by the leg, making him squeal out in pain as it twisted oddly as he was pulled into the open. He was met with a team of humans, some working on his dad, now dead along with his sister. His mom was stripped and sat in a small, metal cage as she reached her hands out of the bars, trying to grab her son. She was crying.

Jaeden swung upside down, crying too. A lady came into the room with cookies, thanking the team for all their hard work as she wrinkled her nose in disgust at the minuscule, helpless boy who dangled a hundred feet in the air.

He was so petrified, he could feel his hands and fingers trembling as he tried to reach his mama, only to be stuffed in a cage. He cried out as his shoulder hit the metal cage hard. He couldn't breathe.

"Why don't we sell the male," one worker that was now working on his sister's corpse said. Jaeden was still sobbing. "We got all the subjects we need."

The picture then faded to black, colors blurring all together like a messy kid's painting. Then the colors refocused on Jaeden's old owner. She was mean. He had scars on his chest from being pinned down so often. He remembered that he had to call her master, how harsh the punishments were, how her fingers trailed down until he was sobbing, begging her to stop. He didn't want it, he didn't.

Jaeden woke up in cold sweat, a complete blubbering mess. His head spun and his heart ached. Why did this happen to him? He cried, biting his fist to hold back screams of terror. He needed comfort. He needed to be held, to be close to someone. Anyone.

Jaeden got to his feet before his brain had even told his legs. He unlocked the cage, still sobbing fearfully as he got to the ladder. He hated that Wyatt had even put it up, knowing that he so much freedom, yet he would never be able to escape.

He finally made it to the ground, still sniveling as his tears blinded his vision. The fourteen-year-old hobbled towards Wyatt's bed, limping slightly from the incident that happened 5 years ago. He made it to the bottom of the bed, trying to climb up the bed frame. He didn't know what he would achieve but he tried anyways. He made it up two inches before falling back down on his butt.

Jaeden's bottom lip quivered as he started to bawl again, hiding his face in his palms. God, he felt so pathetic!

"Jae bear?" Jaeden froze when he heard Wyatt groggy voice. Slowly, he looked up to see Wyatt's tired brown eyes watching him in worry. "Why are you on the ground? Are you hurt?"

Wyatt's hand reached down to scoop him up but Jaeden sobbed, scooting backward. Wyatt's hand stopped. He bit his lip, in deep thought before grabbing his pillow and blanket and joining his pet on the ground. Jaeden shrieked as Wyatt laid down beside him, slowly and gently cupping his giant hand behind Jaeden's trembling back.

God, Jaeden was so small, so much smaller than Wyatt expected. Tiny little limbs, tiny little face. Tiny little tears.

Wyatt's heart ached for the tiny boy as his fingers gently rubbed his back in hopes of calming him down.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Jaeden, it's alright," Wyatt whispered softly, pulling the distraught tiny towards him. Jaeden squirmed slightly in his gentle grip, looking up with sad, blue eyes.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" Ever so carefully, Wyatt pushed Jaeden's bangs out of his eyes and that when the waterworks started once again. Jaeden sobbed, clinging onto Wyatt's finger as his owner scooped him up and pressed him to his chest. Wyatt's stunned figure finally reacted, eyes softened. "Oh, you poor baby," he cooed softly as Jaeden buried his face into Wyatt's pyjama shirt.

"Wyatt, W-Wyatt, Wyatt, W-Wyatt, W-Wyatt," Jaeden sobbed desperately. Wyatt blushed, that was the first time Jaeden had spoken to him. "I-It was all m-m-m-my f-fault. I'm s-scared."

Wyatt shushed him quietly, shifting the small figure until he was laying down on his pillow and had Jaeden resting near his collarbone. "Hey, hey, it's wasn't your fault, okay Jae bear? I-I read your file. That lady, she-she was mean and did awful things to you. It was in no way your fault, okay? You're safe now," Wyatt let his finger run over Jaeden's quivering back. Hesitantly, he pressed a kiss to the top of Jaeden's petite head. He felt Jaeden stiffen. "I won't let anything hurt you. Not when I'm here."

Jaeden was crying again, this time with happiness and relief. He buried his face into the warm crook of Wyatt's neck until his tears stopped and his eyes felt tired. "Go to sleep," Wyatt whispered in a comforting voice, pressing another kiss to his sleepy body. He brushed back his tiny's hair with a gentle thumb. "You're safe now, I've got you. I'll protect you."

With that, Jaeden fell asleep into Wyatt's hands, feeling safe and warm for the first time in years as Wyatt stayed awake all night, making sure Jaeden was comfortable and didn't have any more bad dreams. He pressed soft kisses to Jaeden's hair and whispered sweet nothings to the abused tiny.

He would make sure Jaeden was safe. He swore he would.

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