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Bill desperately tried to lift the bar, using all of his strength. Hot tears cascaded down his cheeks. "N-No!" He screamed, his brother lay trapped, his breathing was shallow. His eyes fluttered, blood trickled from his abdomen where the bar at firmly snapped on him.

"Bill! Bill!" Georgie screamed, squirming, he sobbed, trembling like mad. His little hands grabbed at his shirt. "It hurts!" He cried, fearfully staring at the trap that was buried deep inside of him. "B-Bill!" He sobbed.
His brother shushed him, trying hopelessly to release his little brother.

"It's o-o-okay! Ju-Just stay w-with me, pl-please!" Bill cried, falling back, too weak to even budge the trap.

Georgie coughed, blood trickled from his mouth. "B-Bill," He whimpered, his becoming weak. God he looked so tired, yet so much fear was planted in those big brown eyes. Bill collapsed beside him, brushing back his hair, begging him to stay with him.

"Hey, Hey! Lo-Look-Look at m-me!" He cried, begging his brother, tears streamed down his cheeks, helplessness planted deep in his chest.

He grabbed Georgie's hand, so small in his own. His brother weakly looked to him, his eyes struggling to stay open.

His brother smiled weakly, "I-I lo-love y-you, Billy." He stammered. Before he fell limp, his hand falling still in Bill's. His eyes were void anything, they stared to the sky.

"N-No!" Bill screamed, desperately shaking his brother. "N-No! Pl-Please, please o-oh-oh god, pl-please Georgie, y-you can't l-leave me! Y-You can't!" He sobbed. He pressed his hands against Georgie's chest, everything seemed to slow down.

There was no pulse.

Bill scrambled away from his brother's body, a blood curdling scream ripping its way out of his throat. Bill couldn't comprehend what was happening, his mind working a mile a minute. Blood on his hands, blood dripping from Georgie, blood everywhere, covering him. He shrieked, lacing his fingers through his hair.

Suddenly everything felt smaller, the walls were closing in, he cried out. Bill ran, out of the walls, into the open, panting desperately. By the time he realized what he had done it was too late. His eyes locked on two brown orbs, his breathing hitched.

They were eyes of a giant, Stan was his name, one of the humans that occupied the house. One he stole from, panic arose in his stomach.

He stumbled back, beginning to run, a hand was slammed down in front of him. It was like a wall in front of him, desperately he scrambled back.

The fingers winded around his diminutive form, easily lifting him off the ground. He cried out, flailing and squirming around, more tears raced down his face. He realized his attempts were fruitless and fell limp, sobbing pathetically.

Bill was clearly having a panic attack, his chest rapidly rising and falling, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest with every pump, and he was trembling from head to toe. The giant must've taken notice to this, his hands opened so Bill was sitting on his open palms, his thumb trailed from the top of his head and down his spine.

"Hey," He murmured in a hush tone making Bill flinch. "It's alright," He coaxed, "I won't hurt you." Stan promised softly. Bill began to cry again, at first he was stiff, rigid but he soon found himself leaning into the offered comfort. He fell limp sobbing uncontrollably.

"H-H-He wouldn't ha-ha-have died if i-it wasn't f-for you!" Bill screamed, the giant furrowed his brows, clearly confused, but he stayed silent. "H-He wo-wouldn't have-have..." He trailed off, quietly crying.

Stan was confused, having no idea what the tiny boy was talking about. So he just comforted him, gently he pressed Bill to his chest, hugging him in a way. He whispered sweet nothings to the boy.

For a while longer Bill cried, mourning for his brother. He was utterly terrified, he was trusting a human, that was one of the most dangerous things a borrower could do. But he knew if he went back into the walls he would be alone, with nothing but his thoughts to keep him company.

He knew he couldn't do this alone.
His sobs softened eventually, still clinging to the boy's shirt. Gently Stan pulled him away, Bill cried out, not wanting to leave his safe spot. He shushed him softly and cupped him in his palms, gently running his thumb along his arms. Bill hesitated before meeting his eyes, instinctively he gripped the boy's thumb, wanting something to cling to.

Stan looked over his small form, gently wiping away his little tears. He was so pale, so frail. Small but he didn't come off as weak. He hesitantly ran his thumb over his dark brown hair, watching him flinch with sad eyes.
"What's your name?" He asked softly, almost silent to be sure he wouldn't hurt the boy's diminutive ears. "I'm Stan," He told him with a ghost of a smile.

Bill thickly swallowed, "B-Bill," he mumbled, nearly inaudible as he fumbled with his hands. Stan watched him sadly, he wondered what had made him so upset, he didn't dare ask though, he didn't want to bring it up again, incase he might break down again, he noticed the crimson stain on his hands and his eyes widened.

"There's blood on your hands," He said aloud, concern buried deep in his chocolate hues. Bill looked down, seeing the blood, he began to tremble again, his eyes filling with tears. "Hey, hey, it's okay," He coaxed, lifting his chin so he wasn't looking at his hands, "Here c'mon, it'll be okay," He promised softly.

He held him to his chest and raced to the bathroom, murmuring sweet nothings the whole way there. He went to the sink and wet a washcloth, gently he began to scrub his hands clean. Bill looked up in awe, shocked at how gentle the giant could be.

Stan pulled away, a weak smile planted itself on his face. "There," He hummed, "All clean." He bundled Bill up in a fluffy towel and started to walk again. "Where do you live?" He asked softly, "I can bring you home." Stan told him, seeing the sun begin to set outside his window.

Bill shyly pointed to the hole in the wall, Stan smiled softly. He pecked the side of his head before setting him down in front of it, letting him take the towel with him. "Goodbye, for now that is. Stay safe Bill." Stan told him, Bill shyly waved as the boy stood and walked out of the room.

Bill went back into the walls, instantly a bad feeling planted itself in his gut. He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, it was cold, an eerie silence greeted him, vastly different than when Georgie would run to him, calling his name. A lump formed in his throat.

As the night went on Bill became more and more anxious before he eventually just passed out on his bed. His dreams were infiltrated by twisted, realistic nightmares. He jolted awake with a shriek, tears rolled down his cheeks as he raced out of bed and back to the mouse hole.

"Bill?" Stan called groggily, his screaming having awoken him. He saw Bill in the entrance and kneeled. The moonlight filtering through the window caught his tears. "Oh Bill," Stan sympathized, holding out his hands.

The borrower sobbed and let the towel fall to the floor, crawling into his hands. Stan brought him back to his bed, calming him down and wiping away his tears. Eventually Bill fell asleep in his hands.

Utterly exhausted from crying, Stan watched over him that night as he would many nights to come, he was there, to keep him safe from his nightmares, to shy him away from his demons, to protect him. Stan was willing to do anything to keep him safe.


oops cant stop writing it, i'm watching it rn ooPs

shitty ending o o p s

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