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The human came home crying again, Cam watched with sympathetic eyes as he threw his backpack to the side and collapsed in a heap of sobs on his bed.

Cam wished he could hug the human, Joey was his name. Cam flinched as Joey crumpled a piece of paper and flung it across the room with a frustrated sob.

Hesitantly Cam snuck out of his mouse and hole and over to the sheet of paper, 'Just go die, the world would be better without your fat ass' Cam frowned and looked back at the Joey.

The human wasn't fat by any means, sure he had a bigger stomach but that didn't make him fat. Cam sprinted for cover as the bed creaked, letting him know Joey had gotten up.

From behind the nightstand's leg he watched Joey observe himself in the mirror, sucking in his stomach and trying to press it flat. But the more he tried the more upset he got, finally he broke down into sobs.

Joey got off the ground and wiped his tears, he left the room and stomped down the steps. He return was quick, there was something in Joey's hand but Cam couldn't tell what it was.

His eyes widened, a bottle of pills. Cam gasped and without thinking shrieked, "No!"

Joey froze and looked around, "Who's there?" He snarled, Cam cowered back, covering his mouth as he trembled.

"Fuck it," Joey focused on undoing the childproof cap, finally it popped off and Joey dumped half of the bottle into his cupped hand.

Cam couldn't do this, he had to do something, as Joey brought his hand to his lips Cam cried out. "W-Wait don't do it! S-Stop!" He yelled, running out of hiding.

Instantly he realized what he'd done as Joey's eyes locked on him, he whimpered and took a shaky step back. His hands found each other, a nervous tick.

Cam remembered when his parents were caught, he remembered watching them be crushed by the merciless human that found them. What made Joey different?

The human put the pills down and Cam let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, he didn't have much time to relax though as Joey's hand shot down and enveloped him. Cam let out a strangled cry, his arms were trapped at his sides.

He couldn't even try and struggle, Cam's shaking increased. He squeezed his eyes shut and ignored the tears dripping down his face. The human picked him up and vertigo took hold of his stomach.

The fist unexpectedly released causing Cam to tumble across Joey's palm, he cowered back as Joey's eyes looked over him again and again.

This was his chance to beg for his life, "P-Please don't hurt me!" He cried, "I-I was trying to help, I-I couldn't let you kill yourself." He whispered, his hands entwined tightly.

"Why do you care?" Joey asked with teary eyes, "You don't know me."

"I've lived in these walls for y-years, I've seen you grow. I-I know how you cover your sadness with laughter and jokes, I-I know how you struggle with friends and your um, your body image." Cam whispered, his hands twisting together. "I've seen it all."

The human gaped at him and Cam whimpered again, feeling incredibly helpless. He wondered if this was what his parents felt before they died, he shut his eyes and prepared for what would come next.

Can was roughly crushed to he human's plush chest, Joey was hugging him. He was shaking with sobs that Cam couldn't see, hesitantly the borrower sank into he warm embrace.

He hadn't had a hug in six years, tears rose in his throat he pushed it them down. Before he knew it he was back on the ground, the human smiled, "Thank you, I-I needed that."

He began to walk away but Cam called out, "Wait! J-Joey!" The human turned in surprise, "P-Please talk to your parents. Y-You were going to kill your self. Y-You can't just brush th-that off."

The human smiled in gratitude and nodded slowly, "Come and visit sometime," he suggested with a shrug, Cam nodded and watched Joey leave.

He slid to the floor and shook his head. His heart was pounding with adrenaline. Cam swallowed thickly and disappeared into the walls and replayed the events that had happened just moments ago.


Hey I'm sorry if this seems a bit rushed or not great, I just wanted to get something posted.

I have tomorrow and a half day left before I'm out of school and I have some stories planned that you can forward to.

I wanted to do something a bit more emotional cause I've been feeling a bit insecure about body image recently.

And a student who goes to my school went to sleep and didn't wake up. No one knows the cause, there was no sign of suicide, they think he slept on a concussion but they're not sure.

It kind of shook my town and me so yeah. Sorry if my writings a bit off.

I love you guys and appreciate you more than you could ever know. Thanks for supporting me and being there 😘

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