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By TheKatQueen


Allon sneezed, falling down to her knees once again, the cold snow up to the tiny's waist. She had been caught outside in a snowstorm.

She was fleeing from her small village, it being destroyed by a wild animal. She wasn't sure what the creature was, but had no intention to find out.

Allon stood back up, stifling a weak cough that had caught in her throat. She was freezing, starving and exhausted. She wasn't going to make it if she stayed out much longer.

She fell down again, this time onto her side. Her body ached, refusing to obey her mind as she tried to will herself into standing again. She couldn't. She was unable to move her legs, the cold air nipping at her.

Her eyes began to tear up, growing heavy with the pull of death. She didn't want to die, not now, not in this way. She wouldn't get to do so many things.

She closed her eyes, the ice cold tears streaming down her cheeks. She was starting to feel extremely light headed, being cast into a shadow.

However, as she finally blacked out, she realized that it wasn't in her head.


Sean was just walking around town when snow began to fall. He didn't really think much of it, him being so used to the snow here in Ireland. He continued to walk around aimlessly for a while as the snow covered the ground.

After about a half an inch of the cold precipitation coated the ground, he sighed and started on his way back to his home. He was almost there when he was stopped in his tracks by a tiny sneeze.

He looked around, expecting to see another person, but there was no one else around. He tilted his head slightly in confusion.

He didn't know why, but he felt a dragging motion in his mind, telling him to look down. When he did, a gasp escaped from his lips.

Laying in the snow was a tiny borrower, curled up and unconscious.

Jack knew that borrowers were a rare sight. Barely anyone knows that they even existed. Those who did often abused the poor creatures, used them as toys, kill them, or even eat them. It was horrible.

With the way that things appeared, it seemed like this borrower would die before any of that. That is if it were left out here.

Jack sympathized the little girl. He reached down, gently sliding his hand under her, lifting her up and away from the snow.

He held the borrower to his heart, hoping that the warmth from his chest would be enough to keep his little find alive until he could get a better heat source for her.

He was no longer walking slowly, but instead full on sprinted to his house. He needed to help this borrower and wasn't going to be able to if she died from the cold.

He eventually reached his apartment, quickly fumbling around with the keys before finally getting them into the slot and unlocking the door.

Once inside, he let out a sigh at the familiar apartment he called home. He froze. There was a shifting feeling upon his hand.

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