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Written by volleyballstar12


Sam crawled from her hole in the wall as carefully as ever. She looked around her quickly and found no sight of the human, not that she was expecting it to be around as it was very late at night.

Her trusty weapon was at her side as she advanced towards the table. Her bag hit her leg rhythmically as she sprinted to the table leg.

She quickly grabbed her makeshift grappling hook and threw it up to the top. It took a few times but she eventually got it stuck in a groove.

Sam pulled the rope a few times to make sure it was secure before climbing up. She quickly scanned her surroundings and went to her business of borrowing. As she sank into her rhythm her mind began to wonder.

'Why do we call it borrowing if we have no intention of returning anything? I mean it's not like I'm taking anything big. Not that I could if I wanted to...' she thought.

It was true though. Within her pack she had gathered crumbs that would last her a week and a stray string she knew she could use. However, even with only a few supplies her pack was beginning to fill up.

Sam set her bag down to reorganize when she felt the familiar vibrations of approaching footfalls. Her head shot up as she looked for a place to hide.

The closest thing she could see was the sugar jar. As she stood up she grabbed her bag only to have all its contents fall out. Sam, looking back and forth between the food and the hiding space, dove for the supplies because it would take another week just to plan another trip.

She scooped everything up and made a sprint to the jar. As Sam got closer she heard the tell tale click of the light switch. She froze in place as the sudden light blinded her.

A loud gasp from behind her prompted her to turn around. Infront of Sam was a towering human with bright red hair and piercing blue eyes.

As it suddenly lurched its hand forward to grab her Sam dropped everything and drew her pin.

The hand stopped at the sight of this and drew back a little. The human titled its head.

"What...what're you doing?" The human asked. Sam shivered at its loud voice and began to shake.

Tears fell from her eyes as she realized the hopelessness of her resistance. Death was a sure outcome of this situation.

"Oh poor little thing, you're probably scared to death!" The human reached its hand forward again as adrenaline shot through Sam's body.

Sam was in no way ready to die. Not today. Her body took over as she ducked under the hand at the last second. Sam quickly ran to the edge of the counter, closed her eyes, and jumped with her hands reaching out, sure that her rope was there.

Unbeknownst to Sam the human had picked up her grappling hook to examine it before seeing her. Sam grabbed onto the first thing that she touched.

Frozen with fear of the unknown substance she was touching Sam cracked open her eyes. Instead of the rough rope she had grabbed onto a patterned piece of fabric. Fabric from the human's outfit. Sam slowly looked up and was met with the human's shocked face.

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