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"Fuck!" Alex cursed, throwing down his cards. Noah smirked, once again beating his brother at poker. "Dude you've got to be cheating or some shit," He muttered.

"You wish," Noah laughed, rolling his eyes. He looked up as a human servant stumbled into the room, Noah cocked a brow, he was widely smiling. He was absolutely adorable.

He watched as the minuscule human stumbled into the room, a small tray in his hands. The boy went to Alex. "H-Here you go, y-your highness," He stammered holding up the tray, he looked closer, it was a single chocolate. He smiled softly.

His brother's expression turned aggravated. The boy's face faltered and he shied back slightly. "What the fuck, I didn't order this," He muttered.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I-I was told-" He began, almost fearfully. Noah gasped softly as his brother flicked the boy in the stomach, knocking him back with his hand. He flew back and into the wall, his little tray clattering to the ground.

His brother smirked, "Alex why would you do that?" He asked, eyes wide, he was horrified. The boy had done nothing.

"Dude chill, it's just a servant, a human at that," His brother muttered, "Stop being so sensitive." He rolled his eyes, leaving the room.

Noah stood and slowly went to the boy, the boy desperately tried to get to his feet, only to fall limp once again. He was trembling, his eyes fearful. He was young, probably one of the youngest servants the castle had.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay," He whispered, watching the boy look up at him in fear.

"I-I'm sorry, y-y-your highness," He stammered fearfully bowing his head, still trembling.

Noah shook his head, "Are you okay?" He asked softly, he curled his hands lightly around the boy, "May I?" He asked softly. The boy stiffly nodded.

Noah gently wrapped his hands around him and scooped him up, treating him as if he was made of glass. The boy looked about his age, fifteen or so.

"What's your name?" He asked softly, brushing back his hair that was falling into his face. The small servant looked up at him, Noah craved seeing that smile again, rather than fear in his eyes.

"M-Mason," He whispered, his voice was soft, his hands were interlaced with anxiety. "Pl-Please don't bring me, me to y-your brother," He begged suddenly, eyes widening.

Noah quickly shook his head, "No it's okay, I won't Mason, promise." He rubbed his back. Mason looked up in surprise at first before thanking him over and over. Noah smiled softly and shook his head.

"I-I should really be getting back, I-I need to wash dishes, a-and-" Noah's eyes softened and he stopped him with a shush.

"Stay with me for a bit," He smiled widely, the young prince was awfully lonely. No one in the castle was really his age. The small servants eyes widened and he nodded slowly in disbelief.

Carter smiled in excitement, he gave the boy a tour of the castle, stealing some food from the chiefs and hiding from his brother and father. They ended up in Carter's room where they watched movies until midnight.

About halfway through the night Mason abandoned his shell and opened up completely to Noah, no longer being scared or shy. Mason laughed as a cheesy joke was said in the movie, Noah rolled his eyes and smiled down at the small boy.

"Stop staring at me you perv!" Mason teased, laughing as he pushed back his nose. Noah laughed and shook off his small hands, he frowned knowing Mason was going to have to go back into the walls be a servant, it made him sad. Would he be punished for staying out with him?

Noah's eyebrows were furrowed, "Are you alright?" Noah's focus was dragged back to reality as Mason turned around to look at Noah in concern.

"Um, this might be a stupid idea, but," He hesitated, "What if, what if you become my private 'servant'?" He asked, putting quotations around the harsh word.

"What?" Mason looked up at him in confusion.

Noah swallowed nervously, hoping he'd agree. "I-It's where you wouldn't work for the palace, you'd work under me. B-But not work, you'd just be with me a lot and I-I would take care of you and you wouldn't have to deal with my brother. You wouldn't be a servant you'd just be my friend and we'd get to hang out-" He knew he was rambling but he didn't know how to stop.

Mason's eyes were wide, his lips parted in shock. "R-Really? Y-You'd really want to-to be around me that much?" The small boy asked in awe. The young prince slowly nodded, his eyes nervous. Mason's eyes lit up and he grinned he launched himself at Noah and hugged him he beset he could. "Of course I would!" He practically squealed.

Noah melted into a puddle of relief, he scooped Mason up and held him close to his chest. "Oh my god, don't scare me like that," He laughed.

Mason laughed and held onto his sweater, grinning up at the giant who smiled right back down at him. And for once Mason was glad that his brother almost had a concussion.


oof i know y'all thought i was done with those rants about how awful her life is, suPriSe

now this is a story all about how i had a meltdown and probably lost my best friend in the entire world cause i'm too emotionally unstable and an awful friend.

anyone want to write a oneshot, i'm bored and tired and someone should do the work for me.

i daw halsey and that was amazing, um yeah i've also gotten closer to a ton of internet friends so that's really good.

okay um, i'm gonna go, prolly have another meltdown, stay gucci homeboys.


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