. Pt. 2

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Ya know guys, I never quite said Travis died.... written by UGHlashton


Eric had just headed towards his bedroom with a glass of water to sooth his sore throat when he heard soft warbling coming from his brother's room, not loud enough to be a voice, but the wind carried it towards his ears. Confused, he pressed his ear to the door. He was shocked to hear soft sobs coming from the room.

"Hello?" He asked softly as he opened his brother's bedroom door. He didn't understand. Where was the sound coming from? The door creaked open and Eric peered into the semi dark room. He set his water down on the carpeted floor.

Pushing his glasses up, he scanned the room before it landed on a small, human shaped figure on the edge of the desk. For a moment, Eric only stood there, mouth agape as thoughts raced through his head. How was this even possible? Why was a creature like this in his brother's room? It was probably just hallucinations from his cold.

He went to turn away but froze it cold blood when he heard the tiny human speak; "I'm so sorry."

Eric whipped around, brown eyes widening at the sight of the tiny human falling off the desk, towards its death. Without thinking, he ran and slid across the carpeted floor, bruising his knees, and caught it in his hands. It fell like a rock yet was as light as a feather.

"Gotcha," Eric whispered in a low hush, his intentions not for the tiny human to hear. It huddled in his cupped hands, not making a sound. It didn't move, either, it was as stiff as a rock.

Eric's eyes widened in concern. "Please don't be dead," with careful movements, he gently opened up his hands to reveal a small boy, around 16 or so, curled up in a ball. Terrified blue eyes splashed with tears and red rimmed stared back at him with such horror, Eric felt sick.

The boy's frail shoulders quivered with every soft sob as he completely deflated, tears running down his flushed cheeks. Cuts and bruises covered every square inch (not that there was a lot) of his body as he wrapped his skinny little arms around his exposed chest.

Eric's blood boiled. Was this Rick's doings? If so, Eric wouldn't hesitate to beat him up. Sure, he was couple years older, but Eric took boxing. And he wouldn't hold back.

But he returned his focus to the boy. "Hey," he spoke as softly as the soft breeze yet the boy still flinched. He shivered tremendously and it didn't take a genius to figure out he was cold and scared. Eric carefully cupped the boy to his chest, awkwardly running a finger overtop of the boy's brown messy hair. He felt him quiver under his touch.

Eric started walking towards his room, gently codling him as he sobbed. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay now. I won't hurt you."

The boy only continued to cry as they made their way to Eric's room. Blood had started to stain Eric's hands from the boy's cuts as he whispered soothing words to the boy. "Don't cry, don't cry...I'm here, I gotcha."

"K-Kill me," Eric gasped, gaping at the boy who had started sobbing violently once again. "Just k-kill m-me! I w-want to d-die!" He started scratching at his arms, creating thin lines of blood. "Kill me, kill me, kill me- " He repeated in a mantra.

Unable to stop himself, Eric swiftly grabbed the boy's tiny hand and held it between his fingers lightly. The boy stopped screaming as silent sobs shook his fragile shoulders. "I'm not going to kill you," Eric reassured softly, letting go of his hand. Using as much precision as possible, he gently wiped the boy's cheek of tears with the pad of his thumb. He flinched however no as much as expected.

"It kinda sucks we had to meet this way, huh?" He chuckled humorlessly, rolling his eyes. He returned his focus back to him. "I'm Eric, and you are...?"

Frantically, the boy wiped his eyes, "T-Travis."

"Cool name," he much enjoyed watching the heat rush to Travis' cheeks. "Now, it must have been a long day for you, so how about you get some rest, how does that sound?" He decided not to push the subject.

"R-Really good," Travis murmured sheepishly, snuggling into Eric's hands as he drowsily yawned. Moments later he was out like a light. Cooing softly, Eric placed a thin blanket over his sleeping figure to which little hands grabbed at the fabric, pulling it up to his chest.

Eric took this moment to capture the boy's ragged form with a frown. Cuts, bruises and invisible scars indented his features as Eric held back a snarl, "I'm going to kill Rick."

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