🎄pt. 1

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Boaz POV
Boaz shoved random clothing items, and other important items. It had been a year since his grandfather had died. Grandpa had been his only family after his parents had both died, they both got captured by the giants. Boaz was only 7 when he passed, and now he had no one else left.

Boaz quickly grabbed his little jacket of the coat rack and slipped it on. Closing the door after him, he ducked under the boundary fence, and into giant territory. The snow crunched under his feet as he walked away from his only home.

As he was walking he heard a low yowl behind him. Boaz jumped around to see a hungry looking cat looking down at him. He gasped and tried to run away from the massive cat. He didn't get far before the cat knocked him down with it's paw. Boaz quickly fumbled with his satchel. The cat took a swipe at him, Boaz dodged most of the blow but the cats claw still managed to sink into his shoulder. Boaz managed to open his satchel right as the cat was going to take another swipe.

He grabbed his sewing needle and chucked it at the cat, praying to would strike him. Luckily it sank right into the cat's left eye. The cat scampered off yowling in pain. Boaz slowly sat up and pressed his back against the nearest tree trunk, he slowly looked at his arm. It was covered in blood. It was pretty deep. The 8 year old whimpered in pain, and took off his jacket. He carefully applied pressure to the cut. Things weren't looking good and Boaz had just lost his only weapon.

Boaz slowly got to his feet. He had to move quick or the cat might come back. Or worse be found by a giant. He slowly dragged his feet and made some progress, instantly regretting not packing any food.

By the time it was dark, Boaz was tired, hungry, and weak from losing blood. His once white jacket was now stained red and is covered with blood. He shivered as the cold wind whipped his curly brown locks around. The harsh wind blew again this time so strong it blew his jacket away. Boaz made a lame attempt to grab it but didn't get far before he fell back into the snow. He shivered and tried to get up, but he fell back down. The edges of boaz' vision blurred and he sunk into darkness. His head collapsed in the snow as he fell unconscious.

Brandon POV

Brandon woke up to the smell of eggs and toast. He could hear the sizzle of bacon on a frying pan. Jace must have woke up early. Brandon swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked out the window. It was snowing. Shocker. Brandon got to his closet and took out a long sleeve shirt. He got dressed and made his way to the kitchen, where jace was standing, still wearing a pair pajamas. Brandon quietly snuck up behind him and embraced him in a big bear hug.

Jace squeaked in surprise until he realized it was just his boyfriend. Jace twisted his head over his shoulder and gave him a kiss.

"Merry Christmas Eve." Brandon murmured into Jace's neck.

"You realize we still have to decorate the tree right?" Jace replied, looking at the tree with boxes of ornaments surrounding it.

"Shut up, at least we have a tree this year." Brandon said pouring himself a cup of jo. "good coffee. Anyway I'm going on a walk wanna come?"

"Ugh no it's way too early, plus the cold makes my skin dry."

"Alright, I'll be back soon."

"Promise?" Jace asked turning to him.

"I swear." Brandon says kissing him again.

"Alright coffee breath."

Brandon grinned and grabbed his winter coat and slipped on his boots, and gloves. He opened the door and stepped into the cold winter land. His hair was instantly covered with snowflakes. Brandon and Jace have been dating for 2 years and they live together in a small cottage in the middle of the forest.

Brandon found his usual path and started making his way down the trail, he had just started walking when he stopped. He saw something unusual lying in the snow. Brandon made his way over, and kneeled down. He carefully brushed the snow off the small thing in the snow. Brandon gasped and brought his gloved hand to his mouth. It was a tiny boy. A tiny tiny boy. Maybe 8 years old. His skin was almost as pale as the snow, and his lips were an icy blue.

Brandon carefully scooped up the little guy in a shaky hand. He couldn't be bigger than 3 inches. He was bound to be sick. The kid had a little satchel at his side, Brandon felt the urge the look at the satchel but he had to worry about the boy first. Brandon carefully pressed his hand against his chest and ran back to the cottage.

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