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Timothy's eyes followed James's rapid hand movements, reading the only language he knew. sign language, or a version of sign language as borrower's they didn't have access to real sign language.

'Get a cube of sugar from the kitchen and then meet me in the walls," James signed quickly, Timothy nodded to let him know that he understood. James smiled and ruffled his hair much like a brother did.

James had found Timothy when he was only six, he was wandering helplessly, abandoned by his parents. James convinced his parents to take Timothy in, but it didn't take long for the borrower family to realize that Timothy was deaf. 

Slowly James became a brotherly figure and they eventually they developed a way of communication with grew into their own little language. Now six years later they were able to completely understand each other.

James finally realized that Timothy was fully capable of taking care of himself and borrowing on his own. Hell Timothy even saved him a few times by hearing the human's vibrations. Timothy raced to the kitchen and took out his man made grappling hook made from floss and an abandoned fishing hook.

Timothy swung it a few times before throwing it onto the counter, it slipped and fell silently (to Timothy) beside him. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration and he scooped it back up again, once again he swung it and it landed on the counter luckily this time it caught on a groove and stuck.

Timothy tugged on the rope to make sure it was in place before beginning his climb. Within a few minutes he made it to the top, he clambered over to the sugar bowl and shoved the clay top off. 

He reached inside, almost being to short to reach anything, and yanked out a cube of sugar. Timothy stuffed it into the oversized bag that was slung over his shoulder. Suddenly Timothy felt eyes boring into his back, he stiffened.

He whirled around just in time to see a glass dome be slammed on top of him, instinctively Timothy fell to his knees. He didn't hear the glass hit the table but he felt the vibrations deep in his chest.

Through the curved glass Timothy saw a distorted, gigantic face staring in at him, he sucked in a sharp breath. Timothy rose to his feet and stumbled back, his back hit the glass, his breaths were ragged and fast.

Timothy's fingers found the glass and searched for any purchase, his eyes never leaving the giant in front of him. He realized there was no way out, the glass was to thick for him to escape. Timothy's lip began to tremble and he sank to his knees, he covered his eyes, sealing himself in not only silence but also darkness.


James knew something was wrong, Timothy never took this long. Hesitantly he snuck to the kitchen to make sure he was alright. He sucked in a quiet gasp, he covered his mouth. A human was staring a upturned glass bowl, inside rested Timothy.

He was curled up and even from far away James could see him trembling. He couldn't leave him, without thinking James began to climb up from the back of the counter. As soon as he reached the top he ran between the bowl and the giant.

"Stop!" He cried, catching the human's attention, he realized what he'd done and shied back before remembering this was for Timothy and regaining his confidence. "D-Don't touch him!" He growled.

The human was speechless, he raised his hands in mock surrender and shook his head slowly. Carefully he reached above James's head and wrapped his gigantic fingers around the glass bowl.

He lifted it up, slowly to make sure the human wouldn't make a move James ran to Timothy. He wrapped his arms around the 12 year old, he looked wearily up at the human. Timothy realized it was James and let out a shuddering sob and squeezed him tightly.

"D-Did I hurt him?" The human asked nervously, his eyebrow creased.

James looked up at him in surprise before pulling away from Timothy, 'Are you hurt?" he signed slowly so Timothy would understand. Another tear slid down his cheek and he shook his head.

'Just scared,' He replied, his signs were shaky as his hands trembled. James looked back up at the human and shook his head "He's okay." James whispered.

The human let out a shaky breath and nodded and James realized he had no intention of hurting them, he wouldn't have cared otherwise. Timothy pulled away his eyes suddenly flooded with panic, 'We have to get out, we have to get  away,' He signed as fast as he could, he nervously looked to the kitchen and then back at James.

The borrower  grabbed the older boy's arm and tried to drag him away, James could see the panic in his eyes and could imagine the thoughts of terror racing through his head. The human watched Timothy desperately get away and guilt rose in his stomach. 

The human noticed a hook lodged in the counter and worked it out before holding it in front of Timothy, who froze. He looked up at the human in shock who softly smiled and nodded, Timothy looked to James before he hesitantly took the hook from him. He tightly clutched it to his chest looking around in shock, like everything he'd been taught was a lie.

Which honestly wasn't far from the truth.

The human slowly stood which made him tower over the two borrowers, Timothy stumbled back, closer to James. "Come and visit me sometime, okay?" the human asked quietly. Timothy could see his mouth moving but obviously couldn't hear what he was saying, he looked to James who bit his lip.

"We'll see," He replied slowly, thinking it through. The human's face relaxed, he smiled and nodded before stepping back and walking out of the room. Timothy visibly relaxed, the pressure of giant scrutinizing eyes taken off of him. 

For a while the borrowers just stared at each other, wondering how they were still alive. 


I'm actually really happy with this chapter, um I don't care for the ending but I might continue it so I dunno

Also what would a good title for this be, I want to post it on DeviantArt

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