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Idk why that emoji, cheese=mousetrap? Idk written by 10/10 writer frogspace

Gale whimpered uncontrollably, trying to pull herself from the steel bar that was currently crushing her hand. She frantically looked around, trying to find anything that could help her escape.

The borrower had gone out scavenging early in the morning, sneaking away from her parent's prying eyes. All she wanted was to prove that she was capable of borrowing on her own, and look where that got her.

Gale cursed at herself for being so foolish, dried tears caking her cheeks as excruciating pain shot through her arm.

The entire trip, she had been prepared and ready to act. And in the one moment it counted most, she had let her guard down. Gale hadn't noticed the mouse trap in the darkness of the bathroom, she had only caught a glimpse of the crumbs lying atop it.

Without thinking twice, she reached for the morsels and the steel beam slammed down on her wrist, hard.
Gale's chest rose and fell quickly, the fear and pain bringing another bout of tears to her eyes.

She had been in this spot for hours now, trying as best she could to free herself. She could only pray that her parents would notice her missing and come searching for her before the humans of the house woke up.

She seemed to have jinxed herself as she wished that, for moments later, she heard something moving in the room directly across from the bathroom.

Gale's stomach dropped, and she pulled on her injured wrist harder than before, sobbing.

Quiet footsteps crossed the hardwood floors, moving slowly so they wouldn't wake the other inhabitants of the house. It had to be one of the younger beans up this early, the footsteps weren't heavy enough to make the floorboards creak.

Pulling any remaining bits of hope out of her, Gale begged that the human wouldn't enter the bathroom and merely continue on its way. Once again, she found herself let down as the human strode into the room.

Gale felt a cry catch in her throat as she looked at the impossibly colossal being. He was mere feet away from her, opening the cabinet on the wall. She watched as his huge hand picked up a Dixie cup, filling it with water under the running faucet.

Gale's mouth went dry, watching as the boy performed a feat that would be nearly impossible for someone her size to do in mere seconds. Gale had seen this same human from afar, but being this close to him ran a chill down her spine. He utterly dwarfed her, and she had to bite on her tongue to prevent herself from going into another sobbing fit.

He began to walk away from the sink, glancing at the ground in front of him before locking his gaze on the mouse trap.

Gale felt numb as his tired eyes suddenly went round in surprise. Fear held her in its cold embrace, and she found herself unable to move as she stared into the two huge orbs focused on her shivering form.

"Oh my god," the human whispered, his voice making Gale wince. "Oh my god."
Before the borrower could react, the human dropped onto all fours, the force making the ground shake. Gale yelped, holding her free arm over her face as if it could somehow shield her from whatever the giant planned to do.

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