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Jonah was always a quiet kid, when he was seven he witnessed the death of his mother. Shot point blank by his father. It had been three years since then, he was adopted. Jonah had been mute since the incident and still hadn't gotten over the trauma.  The small boy wondered if he ever would.

His adopted father worked at the local pet shop, Jonah would silently trail him helping when he needed him. One day Jonah was feeding the dogs when the bell rang. He bit his lip and turned to the man that walked in. There was a cage in his hands, "Hey kid, give this to the owner will ya?" He asked.

Jonah hesitantly looked into the cage, small blue eyes stared back at him. A human, he gnawed on his lip. He had never been to fond of the small beings, they always looked at him in fear. Like he was a monster, he wasn't a monster.

Hesitantly he took the cage, that man hurried out.

The boy in the cage seemed injured, blood ran down his leg. Jonah decided to help him, he couldn't just let the injury get infected. He wasn't a monster. He gently unlatched the cage after getting the first aid kit.

He wiped away the blood, giving the human a shy little smile. He stared up at him in awe. He bandaged his little leg, glad the human wasn't screaming or crying as his slender fingers wrapped gauze around his leg.

His thumb brushed his arm and he found his eyes locked with the human's. Neither moved. "Jonah, bud whatcha got there?" The boy quickly pulled away, blushing softly. His father walked over, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the tiny. "Hm, another one? There are so many these days... Any idea who brought him in?" Jonah shook his head and his father nodded. "I'll get him on the shelves."

The man reached for him but Jonah quickly grabbed his wrist and shook his head. His eyes widened. "You wanna do it?" He broke into a smile. It was rare that Jonah wanted to do anything. "Go for it bud."

Jonah smiled softly, for what felt like the first time in a century. He was gentle as he wrapped his hands around the boy. He squirmed the tiniest bit before sitting in the center of his palm.

He smiled softly and cradled the small boy closer. Jonah is went to the back and picked up a cage. He let he human clean up and get changed as he prepared it, setting felt at the bottom of the cage. It was easier to clean and softer for the pets.

Jonah noticed a small letter at the bottom of the cage the human had previously been in. He furrowed his eyebrows as he began to read.

'Dear St. Croix pet shop, we are sad to inform that we can no longer care for this little guy. His name is Logan. He is ten, and is very sensitive. Please take good care of him and give him a good home.'

For a moment he just stared, Logan. It fit the small human, he bit his lip, he was his age. He smiled softly and looked over to where he small boy was bathing.

It was in that moment he promised himself he'd care for him, gain his trust, be his friend.

It didn't take long for Jonah to get Logan to come out of his shell. The two became fast friends they opened up to each other. Jonah began to talk again, quietly and not much but it was more than he ever had.

Jonah begged his father to let them buy Logan but they didn't have the money. There was no way, Jonah promised him he'd get him some day, he began to save every dollar he found.

Logan was bought one morning, Jonah arrived, running in to find his only friend. His father told the news to him softly but he still broke down in sobs. He stopped talking again, feeling hopeless without his friend.

It only took a week for him to be returned to the store. He 'cried too much'. Logan sobbed as he was held to Jonah's chest, he held him close and stroked the small boy's back.

They became closer and closer, they knew everything about each other. The tiniest secrets to the biggest ones, he trusted him more than Jonah trusted himself. He would sneak Logan home and would have sleepovers with him, his father would kill him if he knew.

He finally had the money to buy Logan, not as a pet. But as a friend he held it in his wallet and ran to the shop. He came in, "I did it dad! I did it!" He cried, slamming the cash down. He looked up at his father's face, it had fallen. His eyes were pitiful and sad.

"I am so, so sorry, Jonah." He whispered, his son looked at him in confusion. Suddenly it clicked, tinies were put down if they weren't bought by a certain time.

"N-No-" He murmured, he wouldn't believe it, he couldn't it was a lie. A sick prank. He raced past his father and to the back of the shop.

A man was loading a syringe, cages filled with tinies lined the table. "Logan!" He cried, "Logan!" He desperately searched for him, his father trying to catch him.

Several dead tinies lay on the counter, covered by thin sheets. He yanked one away and froze. Logan lay motionless, his eyes were open, pupils rolled to the back of his head, dried tears were on his cheeks. The hole from the needle went through his chest. His chest wasn't moving.

He wasn't breathing.

Logan was dead.

Jonah didn't realize he was crying until tears began to drip down his cheeks.

His father tried to hug him, he screamed and threw himself back. He thought of the memories they had shared, the secrets they'd whispered, the nights they spent awake together.

He sobbed.

Jonah let out an ear splitting scream, and tugged at his hair. He sobbed, everything was so similar to his parents, god he was so stupid, he was a monster. Anyone he got close to died.

He was a monster, a monster, a monster, a-

His father, no he wasn't his father, just a man that pretended to be, he reached for him again but Jonah refused to let the man touch him.

He felt so broken.

So weak.

So alone.

And once again, Jonah fell silent.


yes i am crying, i loved these characters. i intended to make this a happy story, one where Logan helped Jonah out of his depression and was there for him.

nice, fluffy, sweet. but i read the comments on the last chapter and you want sad. so you got sad.

let this be clear, i am not in the right place to be writing this. and as awful as it may sound i care about you more than me or my mental health.

writing this shit makes me want to kill myself more.

just imagining Logan screaming for Jonah as the needle is inserted into his chest.

it just sends me into a frenzy of tears and loneliness. isolating myself from everyone seems so appealing.

i don't know, i'm crying, and i'm tired, and i feel alone, and i just, death seems peaceful you know.

i won't kill myself though i promise. i'll stay alive for you guys.

stay safe

stay lovely

stay alive (dying is my job)

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