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lol another Christmas themed oneshot that I found.


"Leo! Leo wake up! It's Christmas! Santa came!" Sarah yelled jumping onto his bed.

"Santa isn't real, Sarah," The thirteen year old groaned, rolling onto his side.

"Leo!" His mother scolded.

"Yeah Leo! Don't be such a Scrooge!" Sarah yelled hitting her older brother in the arm. Leo groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

His sister jumped off his bed and Leo followed with a grudge. His mother grinned and Ruffled his hair, Leo groaned and brushed his hair back into place. "C'mon kiddo, dad's downstairs waiting for you, put some pep in your step."

Leo rolled his eyes and put on the most fake smile he could manage. His mom laughed and sipped her coffee.

"Hurry up, slowpokes!" Sarah yelled from downstairs. Leo walked down the stairs and smiled as he saw the beautiful tree, well wrapped presents and flickering fireplace. The whole room smelled like peppermint, completing the Christmas feel.

Leo's older sister Tiffany was sitting on the couch tapping away at her phone, his dad was sitting next to her wearing a shirt that read, "this is my ugly Christmas sweater". Leo grinned and sat down on the floor, his dad handed him a mug of peppermint hot cocoa, "Merry Christmas, sport."

"Can we open presents now?" Sarah asked enthusiastically.

"Of course sweetie, but first we have to have the family Santa," his mother said in a cheerful voice, every year Leo's parents picked a "family Santa" they were the ones who passed out the presents. Instantly Sarah's hand shot into the air and she squirmed in her seat.

Leo's parents made eye contact and nodded, "We pick Tiffany!"

Tiffany looked up from her phone with a cocked brow, Sarah slumped down and pouted. "Whatever." Tiffany picked up a present, "Sarah," she said in a stoic voice. She tossed the present to her and Sarah squealed and pulled out a Barbie doll. Leo honestly didn't see what was so exciting about a little plastic figure, but Sarah was freaking out.

They continued to pass out presents and Leo had started a pile of gifts, a football, an under armor sweatshirt, new shoes, as he got older Christmas seemed to get more and more boring. Finally all of the presents were unwrapped and everyone started to get ready for breakfast.

"Wait!" Leo's dad called, everyone froze and sat back down; Leo's mother was practically squirming in excitement.

His dad handed Tiffany one more present, "Leo," she read in a lackadaisical voice. She drew her hand back to toss it to him but his father stopped her.

"Hand it to him, please," he suggested a hint of urgency in his voice. Tiffany rolled her eyes and handed it to him, small holes had been poked in the side and Leo's eyes brightened in curiosity.

He carefully found the edge of the wrapping paper and pulled it off, carefully he unwrapped a small cardboard box that he could hold in two hands. "Open it!" His mother cried pulling out her camera the whole family was watching intently now.

Leo took off the top of the box and two tiny eyes stared up at him in fear, Leo gasped, "A human?" He asked his parents with wide eyes. His parents nodded enthusiastically and Tiffany cocked an eyebrow.

"Why didn't I ever get a human?" She asked, voice laced in jealousy.

"Because you got a hamster." His mother replied with a firm look. Leo wasn't listening he stared down at the tiny boy in the box with intent eyes.

He was tiny, he had pale skin, blonde hair, and bright blue fearful eyes. The exact opposite of Leo's chocolate skin, emerald eyes, and dark brown hair. "W-What's his name?" Leo asked quietly, momentarily looking away from the tiny.

"His name is Casper, he's thirteen, and has a fear of humans, h-he was abused, but we thought you could help with that." His mother replied with soft eyes, Leo nodded looking back down at the human.

"C-Can I see Casper?" Sarah asked shyly. Leo nodded and moved the box over to her, her small hazel eyes widened and she smiled, "Hi there, Casper." She greeted with a bashful wave, the tiny only shied back.

"C-Can I pick him up?" Leo asked his parents nervously.

"It's up to you," his dad replied with a smile.

He looked back down at the tiny in the box, who backed up fearfully to the edge of the box. Leo slowly lifted up his hand and reached in, Casper cried out in fear and wrapped his arms around himself.

Leo froze and drew his hand back he looked up at his parents nervously who clearly lacked the knowledge of what to do. He looked back down at the terrified Casper, who had tears trailing down his face. Leo smiled gently, trying to reassure him that he wouldn't hurt him. He Reached back in, slower this time.

Instead of grabbing him in a fist like he originally planned, Leo carefully scooped him up into an cupped palm. Casper was still panicking, he was frozen in place, shaking like a leaf, and still had tears running down his face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay Casper, I won't hurt you, you're safe, I-I'm Leo," He told him, Casper seemed to calm down a tiny bit. He wiped away his tears and looked up at Leo sheepishly.

"I-It's nice to, um, to meet you Leo, I'm sorry for-for freaking out." He apologized.

"It's okay, I get it. Are you hungry? We're about to make waffles." Leo offered, Casper nodded shyly, not wanting to be a burden. Leo smiled and stood up, his family stood up and followed him to the kitchen, as they walked Casper latched onto Leo's first finger. Leo noticed and grinned down at him,

Casper realized this and let go immediately, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to- I just- um- I-I-"

"No," Leo chuckled, "You're fine, it was just cute," he said with a grin, Casper blushed and bit his lip.

"Um, thanks," he murmured bashfully.

Leo didn't know it then but that Christmas he didn't get a pet. He got someone who would be there for him for his entire life, someone who would never leave his side, that Christmas, he got his best friend.

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