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trigger warning


Elliot laid back against the wall, awaiting Spencer's return. He sighed and picked at his nails.

The borrower perked up as he heard the click of the apartment door opening. He couldn't help but grin, his eyes lit up.

Elliot's stomach fluttered, knowing at any moment the boy he loved was going to walk through that door. That Spencer would flash him the smile he'd fallen in love with. He bit his lip and stood.

The bedroom door swung open and Spencer's familiar converse stepped in. Elliot grinned, Spencer laid down and the borrower's smile fell.

Something was wrong, he could feel it. "Babe, are you alright?" He reached forward to place his hand on his boyfriend's nose.

He pulled away.

Elliot backed up in confusion, trying to meet Spencer's eyes. "What's wrong?" No answer, "Spence, talk to me, please." He begged softly, feeling helpless.

"I met someone."

Elliot froze, his heart seemed to stop beating. "What?" He breathed, almost inaudibly.

Spencer's eyes met his own, "I met someone Elliot." He watched as Elliot's face twisted into confusion. "I'm sorry."

"But-But, us," Elliot stammered, "What-What about us?" He asked desperately.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't." Spencer bit his lip, "I-I think we need to break up."

Elliot's world stopped, he shook his head desperately. "No," he mumbled, "No, no, no, no, please, please Spencer. Y-You're not- we-we, I-I..." he trailed off, tears pricking his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Elliot. I do love you, I-I did." Spencer bit his lip.

Elliot searched his face, Spencer had found him when they were only twelve. They'd been inseparable, best friends. And then something more, he'd been the light in Elliot's world.

Elliot thought back to everything he'd told Spencer, his depression, how he thought he'd be alone forever until he'd met Spencer. He felt vulnerable now, stupid, helpless, ugly, unloved.

"Elliot, say something, please." Spencer said softly.

"B-But I love you Spencer," Elliot murmured, looking up, his eyes beginning to fill with tears. Spencer broke eye contact.

"Elliot I think it would be best if you found a new place to live." He mumbled. Elliot's eyes went wide, they'd lived together for over ten years, he didn't have another place to live, no family to stay with.

"I'm sorry Elliot, we're done."

"No, no, no! Spencer please! Wait! I'll do anything! I'll-I'll have sex with you, I'll-I'll-"

"Please, Elliot, stop." Spencer shut his eyes tight, Elliot let out a sob. He shook his head, hoping it was a joke; that Spencer would scoop him up and kiss him.

But he didn't.

And this wasn't a joke.

Spencer stood, "I'm sorry, Elliot." He said one last time before backing up and leaving the room.

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