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Evan's fingers drum rhythmically against the desk, his eyes wandering off towards the clock like they always do. Ten minutes left, only ten more till the next class, art. The easy class.

His dark skin clashes perfectly with his white top causing girls to stare more than Evan could notice as he tunes out whatever his teacher was saying until she claps her hands loudly, snapping him out of his daze.

"Alright class, I know usually we use the fake babies for this class, but since we're a little tight on money, we won't be using them," half the class groans while the other half cheers. Their teacher tsks them. "I'm not letting you off the hook that easily. This year we'll be using miniatures."

The whole falls silent, so silent you can hear one of the miniatures in the small boxes sneeze.

"Alright, I have a list," their teacher calls out names then the box number they are matched with. Evan scoffs, crossing his arms. He signed up for this class because it was easy, not to take care of some living creature.

"Evan, you're with number 23," his teacher calls. Evan pulls himself up and goes to grab the box but she grabs his arm before he can, pulling him close to whisper to him. "Evan, you're a sweet kid. Honestly. And I've paired you up with this little guy, cause...he's been through a lot, please be gentle." Evan's eyes soften and nods. His teacher smiles and lets go of his arm before resuming the list calling.

Evan carefully picks the box up, wincing when hearing a little squeak of terror escape the box.

He sits down at his desk, frowning as he opens the little folder that goes with the miniature.

Name: Michel

Last Name: Unknown

Sex: Male

Notes: Pretty small for a miniature, last owner was abusive, doesn't eat or speak very much, claustrophobic, very shy and timid. No known allergies or age, maybe around 16 to 17 years of age.

Evan frowns deeply. Why would they put him in here if he's claustrophobic? It was such a small box.

Evan carefully opens the top, light spilling into the dark shadows. At first, Evan can't see anything but then his light eyes catch something. Or someone.

Huddling in the corner with his shivering back turned towards the human was the miniature. Evan held back a gasp, biting his lip. When they said he was small, they weren't lying.

Soft whimpers of fear escape the little figure who Evan assumes is Michel. Evan is lost, looking around only to see other people just grabbing their miniatures and putting them in their backpacks or pockets.

Evan glances back at Michel, shaking the thought away. He couldn't grab him, he was too fragile.

"Hey, my name's Evan," Evan says softly, his voice hushed and soft yet the little guy still winces. Evan licks his lips before trying again. "It doesn't look to comfy in that box, huh? Do you wanna come out?"

Michel hesitates before his fear of small places overpowers his fear of giants as he nods fearfully, his back still turned.

Evan smiles softly. He is shy. "Alright, I'm going to tilt the box so you can come out, okay Michel?"

Another small nod.

With the utmost care, Evan gently tilts the box to the side, watching with soft green eyes as the little guy stumbles slightly but recomposes himself.

Michel tentatively turns towards Evan, who smiles reassuringly. "C'mon out, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Evan chuckles with an airy laugh as Michel tries to walk towards him but his legs seem too weak as he topples over. He's adorable, Evan admits. Soft, fluffy brown hair that falls messily in short, wavy curls matched with pale, milky skin that makes his big, fearful, sky blue eyes stand out even more.

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