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Leon followed his friends through the forest, warily looking around. "Guys I have a bad feeling about this place," he mumbled looking around.

"It's fine!" Mariah groaned, "Stop being such a pussy." Jackson's arm was protectively wrapped around her.

Leon only bit his lip, "If worst comes to worst, I've got my magic to save us," Jackson laughed, light flickering from his fingertips to show off.

Leon's hand found it's way to a dagger tucked into sheath. A stick cracked and his friends laughed as Leon flinched. He blushed softly, deciding he was paranoid and needed to calm down.

As they walked Leon third wheeled hard as the couple ahead of him flirted and held hands. Leon wished he had a hand to hold or a mouth to kiss, he sighed softly.

His head snapped up as there was a low, faint growl. Leon stumbled back, as a three large wolves came out of the bushes. They growled and snapped their teeth, Jackson shoved Mariah behind him protectively.

He threw a ball of blue aura at one of the wolves, and smirked, practically bleeding cockiness. it yelped for a moment before jumping back, twice as angry. It growled and launched at Jackson who managed to jump out of the way, any confidence he had was gone.

Jackson helplessly watched, drained of energy. A little glowing ball flew in front of the three. Leon gasped softly, it was a fairy, they were rare, majestic creatures, but don't get on their bad side, cause they will fuck, you, up.

The fairy looked at the three humans before turning back to the wolves. It's aura turned brighter and brighter, the humans had to cover their eyes. There was a loud yelp and Leon blinked away spots.

The wolves were gone, the fairy's light was a bit dimmer. Leon watched as the fairy drifted down to a base of a large tree. As his friends were opening their eyes Leon was kneeling beside to tiny being.

"D-Don't!" The fairy yelled, he held up his hands, ready to shoot magic. Leon held his hands up in innocence. "I-I'll do it! I w-will!"

Through his mask of bravery Leon could see deep fear buried in his pupils.

"Even if you wanted to you couldn't," Jackson said, kneeling as well, Mariah soon following. The fairy had began to tremble. "You're too weak, you wasted your energy on the wolves."

Leon watched as the fairy began to panic, he could see it in his eyes. He tried to take flight, he made it a few inches before crashing back down to the ground. He whimpered and pressed his back against the bark of the wood.

"Pl-Please don't..." the fairy stammered, any bravery he once had vanished. Leon's heart sank, Jackson began to reach forward but Leon smacked his hand.

"Back up," he snapped at Jackson and Mariah. They frowned but obeyed, Leon looked down at the fairy, "We won't hurt you," he promised softly.

The fairy looked up, unconvinced. "You don't have to trust us but I'm going to take care of you until your energy is restored, okay?"

The fairy licked his lips, tugging one into his mouth. He slowly nodded, looking nervously at Mariah and Jackson. Slowly Leon brought his hands to the fairy, who watched in slight fear.

Leon's gentle fingers slid under his petite form. The boy whimpered slightly and Leon softly shushed him. "I'm Leon," he introduced quietly, "That's Jackson and Mariah," he gestured to them.

The fairy nodded softly, he bit his lip before looking up at Leon with big lilac eyes. "Ry-Ryla," the fairy murmured.

Leon smiled and nodded, letting the exhausted boy lean against his curled fingertips. "It's nice to meet you, Ryla," he whispered, enjoying the feminine name.

He held Ryla close and ignored the way his friends looked at him. He gave the fairy a bottle cap filled with water and a crumb of a cracker.

He took a dry washcloth and wrapped Ryla up tight after the boy finished eating. "Get some sleep," Leon murmured, "I'll be here when you wake up."

Before long the fairy was fast asleep in Leon's hands. His breathes were slow and even, peaceful. Leon smiled softly as Ryla snuggled closer to him.

"We have to keep moving, the wolves might come back." Jackson muttered, looking around. "We'll find shelter and then camp there for the night."

Mariah and Leon nodded, the boy cupping Ryla close to him as they began their trek through the forest. As they walked Leon felt Ryla shift in his hands.

He looked down with soft eyes as the fairy's big purple ones fluttered open. He smiled, Ryla's purple aura was back to it's bright state. "You're looking a lot better." He murmured with a sad smile, "I guess you want to head home, then."

Ryla sat up and latched onto Leon's finger tip. "C-Can I stay with you guys? Um, pl-please?" He asked, looking to Mariah and Jackson with pleading eyes. "I-It's just that, I-I live alone and-and-"

Leon cut him off with a soft shush, "Yeah, Ryla, you can stay with us." He murmured. The fairy relaxed, wings falling still at his sides.

"Thank you," he mumbled, looking between the humans.

Jackson snorted, "Thank you, you're the one who saved our asses back there."

Ryla giggled softly, looking between the humans before speaking up. "Maybe that's another reason I need to come with you," he giggled softly.


That 👏 ending 👏 was 👏 shittttt 👏

Woot, it feels like forever since I've posted a oneshot, sorry about that FOLKS.

Hm, yeah, school started to I'm stRESSED, more stories coming soon?


Also I didn't edit this rip, prolly like 5839828373 billion mistakes.

Ksskjdjsiwifidj rip, alrighty sleep well or something idk.

Ugh good day fOlks


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