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Lucas sat at the table sipping his coffee. He was at the local diner. It was covered with stupid heart decorations, and cheesy cupid cutouts.

"Would you like some more coffee?" Asked a voice, Lucas looked up to see the pretty brunette waitress.

"Yeah that would be great." He looked at her name tag. "Natasha." She smiled and refilled the small white coffee cup. It had a small chip in the side.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Yep, thanks." Lucas smiled. With that Natasha walked off. Lucas looked at the in the cup, he stared at the brown liquid swirling inside. He sighed, and drank the last of his coffee.

He filled out the bill, and left a nice tip. Lucas stood up and slipped on his jacket. He walked out the door, and the door's bell rang. He shivered as the icy wind nipped at his face.

His breaths looked like smoke against the cold. Lucas stuck his hand deep in his pocket as he walked. He past a couple laughing and holding hands. He smiled at them and they smiled back.

'Alone on valentine's day.' Lucas thought to himself with a sigh. 'Figures. No one wants to date a loner.'

The last girl Lucas had dated seemed really sweet. She was always nice to Lucas and her friends. But what Lucas didn't know was that she was cheating on him with his best friend. Lucas instantly broke up with her, and she told everyone in school that Lucas was gay. Lucas's "friend" hasn't talked to him since.

Lucas walked along the icy sidewalk slowly making his way to his apartment. As Lucas walked along he could've sworn he heard a quiet whimper. He stopped and looked around. Lucas didn't hear anything so he shrugged and assumed it was his mind playing with him.

He was about to keep walking but he stopped when he heard a voice barely above a whisper. "W-Wait. Please. J-Just w-wait."

Lucas froze. "Hello?" He called. "Where are you?" The wind blew harder this time, with the wind came another whimper.

"D-D-Do-Down." Was all the voice managed to say. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked down. He gasped in shock. There lying in the snow was a tiny boy. Maybe three inches tall. Lucas carefully kneeled down. The boy tried to scoot away using his hands, but he didn't get far before collapsing back into the snow.

"Hey it's ok, you're ok." Lucas cooed. The boy's skin was almost as white as the snow, and his lips were turning blue. He had wild blonde hair, and was wearing a tee shirt, a tiny jacket, and jeans. He couldn't have been over 8 years old.

Lucas reached out to scoop him up. He whimpered and put his hands up in front of his face. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Lucas carefully scooped up the weak boy. He whimpered then sneezed.

"Bless you! Jesus, you're freezing!" Lucas exclaimed. The boy was shaking from fear, or from the cold. Probably both. "Here," Lucas said pressing the boy against his chest, to keep him warm. The boy squeaked in surprise and shoved against his chest, but eventually gave into the warmth, and pressed himself against Lucas.

Lucas ran home, he fumbled with his keys. He unlocked his door using one hand. Lucas threw his coat on the floor and removed his hand from his chest. The boy cowered in his hand, and looked up at him with fear.

Lucas ran over to the coffee maker and filled up a cup of the steaming liquid. Lucas set the boy next to the cup. The boy looked at him in confusion. "It'll keep you warm. Just lean against it." Lucas explained.

The boy looked unsure but did it anyway. He leaned against the cup and sighed in relief. "T-Thank you." The boy said quietly.

"You're welcome. I'm Lucas what's your name?" Lucas asked.

"B-Barry." He stuttered.

"Nice to met you Barry. How old are you?"

"Seven and a half. Um how old are you?" Barry asked politely.

Lucas smiled. "I'm 17." He said as he pulled up a chair. "So Barry what are you? I've never seen anything like you."

"I'm a borrower." He said quietly. "But you can't tell anyone! Um please."

"Don't worry, I won't." Lucas promised, "Feeling better?"

"Much." Barry said with a yawn.

"Tired?" Lucas asked.

Barry just nodded, and leaned his head against the mug. Lucas gently reached forward and scooped him up in his hands. He walked to his bed, and sat down. By that time Barry was fast asleep.

"I guess I'm not spending Valentine's alone." Lucas muttered to himself with a smile.

(I like this one, I wrote it roughly two years ago 😜 also, I spent like 15 minutes rewriting his name to Lucas because Charlie was already taken 😂 lemme know if I missed any)

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