Q and Yay! 💙 Pt. 2

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Okay! Let's start!

Rin and Mitch:

Now that you two are dating, well I think you're dating, do you watch Yuri on ice together?

Rin: "Yep! I can't believe it ended like that though and we have to wait until the next season! I love it, but I think Mitch it more."

Mitch: "Vikturi is c a n n o n. I ship it more than I ship us together."

Rin: :(

How do you cuddle?

Mitch: "I don't really like to cuddle that much but I suck it up for Rin.

Rin: "When we lay down, Mitch usually snuggles in the crook of my neck."

Favorite thing about each other?

Mitch: "His light green eyes."

Rin: "His blush and his chubby little cheeks awh."

Nicknames for each other?

Rin: "Baby bird or little admirer."

Mitch: "Angel and cutie."

How much do you love your Giant/Tiny/Human partner? (Also do you kiss?)

Rin: "Yes, we do kiss a lot and even though Mitch is shyer than me, he does engage kissing me. He's such a cutie, I swear. I love him lots."

Mitch: *kisses his cheek*

Luke and Jackson:

I have one for Luke and one for Jackson then 1 for both of them

Luke, do you have strong, loving feelings for Jackson?

Luke: "Um, yes? It's hard to love someone that you don't really know that well, but I'm considering asking him to be my boyfriend if we keep hanging out, he's kinda like an overgrown puppy."

Jackson, do you have strong, loving feelings for Luke?

Jackson: *nod vigorously* "My h-human is s'cute and p-pretty!"

Luke and Jackson, if there was a way for you two to be together without the worry of death or fear or harm coming to anybody, would you two live together?

Luke: *nods* "Of course, I feel like life would be easier if I was just a merman because Jackson would protect me."

Jackson: *Wraps tail around Luke* "M-Mine."

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