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Written and drawn (above)  by Catstache87 and this is our 100th story, congrats! You've made it this far!


'Why did he do this!? Why did he have to do this...'

He just HAD TO borrow his father's boat, fall asleep and find himself half way across the stupid ocean. Was he drunk!? Ryo gripped onto the thin mast of the wooden sailboat, the actual sail flapping uselessly in the heavy storm winds, torn mercilessly to shreds. Ryo's entire body felt sick from the constant motion. Thankfully, his stomach was empty. The Japanese-American boy coughed as salt water splashed in his face, threatening to pull his boat down. Thunder roared high above his head following a blinding flash of white. Ryo screamed covering his head with his arms, tears falling down his face

"I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs. "Somebody help! Please, somebody!"

Waves tossed and rolled beside him clawing against the sides to turn the boat over, uncaring of its occupant. They swirled around him like the eye of a storm taunting him. The poor boy cried, unable to summon enough energy to pull the boat away, he doubted he even could see through to that idea with the vast storm, he'd drown if he tried. Ryo curled up at the bottom of the boat, not noticing the massive being that rose out of the water.

He felt a strange feeling in his stomach as if he was on an elevator. The boat stopped rocking abruptly as if the waves had just become mirror still, but that was impossible. Lightning flashed, Ryo reluctantly opened his eyes with an audible whimper and they were met with a terrifying sight.

A human, from how his body looked, but he was massive! His hair was bright blue like the shallow reefs and was slicked upwards like a graceful wave. His skin was covered in Polynesian tattoos where Ryo could make out a few shapes. A shark, turtle, and the night sky. He looked muscular and at his size had the advantage of probably taking on a destroyer and coming out without a scratch.

The teenager backed up as far as he could, he felt his heart booming in his chest like the thunder above him. He took in rapid breaths, hands trembling as they gripped the oar, it was his only weapon after all so he kept a shaky death grip on the wood handle. A voice equivalent to the thunder rang out, Ryo covered his ears in a frightened yelp.

"Are you ok human?"

Ryo flinched feeling something brush against his shirt, immediately dampening the space. He turned around to see a giant hand made entirely of glowing water. It was so close the fish swimming inside the fingers could've jumped and smacked him in the face. Ryo backed away from the stranger again almost going over board. The hand quickly moved closer.

"I won't hurt you, you can stop trembling." The giant sounded gentle, but what if he was lying? Ryo's body soon fell limp, he passed out from fear, cascading towards the rough sea.

"Human!" The giant breathed, catching him in his hand, literally in his hand Ryo's body smacked against the water and sank inside only to be trapped within it. His eyes shot open and he released a bubbly scream swimming around to try and find a way out of the giant's water hand, thankfully the owner pulled him out with the other, forgetting about the boat now floating away to who knows where.

Dangling from his red shirt, the poor teen sniffled and coughed up water. He really wished he hadn't swallowed because that was basically the guy's blood or something like that...either way it made Ryo shudder and never want to touch his lips to the liquid again. Then the giant opened his mouth and let words flow out again.

"E hiki anei ia oe e olelo aku ke Hawaiian...Can you speak Hawaiian?" He piped up. The first was one, Ryo was not well versed in. He's been only living in Hawaii for about a month, but he didn't know how long he'd live at all now. Despite the other male's gentleness, he felt so helpless, a single pinch between his fingers and Ryo could easily drown or worse have his head crushed!

His first nerve wrecked words to the giant were...

"I-I'm gay."  What was wrong with him! This was horrible. Ryo facepalmed in shame drawing his knees up and crying a little more. The giant grew quiet for a moment.

"Gay? I've never met a human named Gay..." He tilted his head. To be honest, Ryo thought that was kinda cute of the otherwise god-like being.

"No! No! My name is Ryo! Not Gay I mean, I'm gay, but gay is not my-I'm gonna be quiet." He hung his head.

"I'm Haunani, Demigod of the ocean." He introduced with pride.

"Wait um...isn't that a girl's name?" Ryo squeaked in confusion.

"No, No it's not!" The newly dubbed Haunani blushed a deep red. Ryo recalled when his mother was pregnant and looking for Hawaiian names to call his new little sister, Haunani came up meaning beauty and glory and it indeed was a female name.

"Um. I-it is." He could barely shove the words out of his throat. The demigod huffed like a child, looking away from the human he was holding

"No, it's not." He retorted.

"Ok? You're the boss um...I-I'm Ryo," He held out his hand, "It's uh i-it's a pleasure to meet you, H-Haunani. C-could you help me? Could you help me get back to the islands? Hawaii, know of it?" He chewed on his bottom lip even if he put him on the wrong island, he just needed to get to a phone.

"Oh, alright, but what are you doing all the way out here?" Haunani hummed as he moved putting Ryo inside his cupped hands. Now he felt them firmly hold him up like there was actual flesh beneath him instead of water. He knew for sure he would die, he watched the fish in Haunani's hand curiously as it swam about casually.

"I borrowed my dad's boat, I wanted to take some pictures of the sun setting on the island but I fell asleep and drifted off into the storm." He explained and perked up remembering he had his camera. Quickly taking it out, maybe if he had proof he wouldn't have to make up a story! He fumbled around with the lens cap.

"Hey, do you mind if I take one of you? It's quick and painless I promise, but I will have to put the flash on and that may hurt your eyes for a few seconds..." he said holding the camera ready. Haunani looked to the side unsure.

"Alright..." He looked at the boy as he took the picture.


By the time the two had arrived, Ryo had fallen peacefully asleep in Haunani's hands. The giant smiled, carefully moving some hair from his face.

"I hope we meet again, Ryo." He reached as far as he could over the shore, setting the boy down gently on the soft surface. He took slow steps back trying to take as much time as he could watching over him until his head was submerged in the water.

Maybe one day, Ryo could borrow another boat, fall asleep and drift into a massive storm.

One day...Or he could just borrow the boat and leave to sail out to sea again. That'd work too. He'd know he was there and he could see him again.

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