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Ashlyn flew over the crowed street, observing all the humans down below. A few pointed and screamed 'bird', Ashlyn would smirk from down there he must've looked like a bird.

It was a festival that humans called a "parade" Ashlyn had gone twice to observe the odd behavior of humans. He mostly stayed in public eye, the giant's didn't seem to notice him they were to busy on their light up boxes called "phones".

While the crowd raged down below so did music, it was loud and catchy. People on top of cars threw treats out to the humans below. Ashlyn didn't quite understand this trend but it did give him food after the parade was over so he didn't complain.

The bird hybrid jumped as a loud wail of a siren rang out. Ashlyn looked down in distaste as a red fire truck went through, lights flashing, and sirens at full blast.

He continued to watch for a while, lazily swooping here and there. From afar he admired the princess's crown that glimmered as the sun caught it. At one point Ashlyn flew down low enough to catch a piece of candy being thrown to the children.

The kids laughed and pointed at the "bird" the middle aged woman who threw it caught Ashlyn's gaze and the hybrid winked at the gaping lady. He flew high once again, his wings were beginning to ache but he ignored it, knowing that the parade was ending soon. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Ashlyn's gaze shot down.

An old man, a "veteran" was holding a smoking gun at the sky, the humans stood and hats were taken off. Ashlyn was so intrigued by this that he didn't notice a pigeon flying straight towards him.

Ashlyn gasped as the stupid bird slammed right into him, he dropped the candy and began to lose altitude. Desperately he tried to flap his wings but he only managed one before he hit the hard concrete below.

The breath was knocked out of him and Ashlyn heard something snap, he cried out in agony, the world became dizzy and for a moment he just lay motionless on the concrete. A human walked by him and barely avoided stepping on him, he tried to sit up but found himself too weak.

Ashlyn had never felt so helpless in his entire life, he shakily watched the humans walk by they just barely missed stepping on him. Desperately he tried to drag himself into a less vulnerable place, a shadow fell over him and Ashlyn curled into a ball knowing that he was about to be stepped on.

"Oh my god," A voice whispered, Ashlyn looked up and shrieked, a human was looming over him. Normally the giants weren't that scary but being at this size without flight, Ashlyn was as good as dead. He tried to drag himself away but all of his strength was gone, leaving him out of breath and even more terrified.

Soft hands gently curled around him, Ashlyn trembled but stayed still. One of the human's large fingers ran over his wing and pain flared, Ashlyn shot up and shrieked in agony.

The humans hand retracted instantly, his eyes wide. Ashlyn wrapped his silky wing around himself, the human brought Ashlyn to his chest and began to run. The poor hybrid felt like vomiting, the human eventually stopped running.

The human's heart was beating fast, he pulled his hand away from his chest and examined his tiny body. Ashlyn tried to crawl away but the human shushed him and gently pinned him down.

He clicked his tongue sadly as he saw Ashlyn's wing. With his free hand he opened a drawer and pulled out a needle, Ashlyn shrieked and continued to struggle.

"Shh, its okay, I'm trying to help, it's okay." The human coaxed, Ashlyn ignored him and shuddered, he continued to squirm.

A sharp pain entered his waist, Ashlyn screamed as he saw the gigantic needle enter his stomach. He felt like vomiting.

The human's hand released his grip on Ashlyn who quickly tried to escape but was hit with a wall of nausea. He collapsed and reached out hopelessly one more time before falling unconscious.


Ashlyn groaned and rolled over, his mouth felt thick in his mouth, he rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly. Ashlyn's wing felt heavy and weighed down, he reached back and dragged delicate fingers across his numb wing that was covered in rough, thick gauze.

It was only then that the memories came flooding back, Ashlyn realized he was in a large bird cage and cried out. The human was watching through the bars.

Ashlyn stumbled away, utterly terrified. The human's eyes softened, "How is your wing?" Ashlyn couldn't reply, he stared and trembled uncontrollably.

The human sighed and nodded, not expecting much. He gave Ashlyn food that eventually got cold after the hybrid refused touch it. He drank the water that the human had given him though.

The day has been quiet since, the hybrid refused to talk to the human. Ashlyn kept to himself in the corner of his prison, observing the human, fearful of his next move.

Night came and the human sighed, he tugged off his shirt and continued to stop, Ashlyn gasped softly and bashfully covered his eyes.

"Goodnight, little guy." He whispered. He crawled into bed which creaked and groaned beneath his weight.

For hours Ashlyn tried to sleep but his broken wing began to ache. It only got worse, he began to cry (drinking game, every time Ashlyn cries take a shot). The human's bed groaned and Ashlyn froze, covering his mouth to his his sobs.

The human got up and peered into the cage, his eyes softened and guilt. He opened the cage and Ashlyn shoved himself back. The hybrid choked out a sob as the human picked him up, "Your wing must be hurting," he guessed with guilty eyes.

Ashlyn just shuddered in reply, burying his face in his knees. Without saying a word the human pressed him against his chest Ashlyn panicked at first, squirming and yelping.

The human would gently shush him, almost rocking him back, and forth. He soothingly rubbed Ashlyn's throbbing wing near the base of his back, he hummed a meaningless tune as he held Ashlyn close.

Eventually Ashlyn found himself leaning into the human's offer of comfort, he noticed this and moved into a more comfortable position.

He laid on the bed, hand over Ashlyn, his thumb rubbing his shoulder. "It h-hurts," Ashlyn groaned after a few moments.

"I know it does, I'm sorry," the human whispered, his voice laced with guilt. Ashlyn reluctantly found himself dozing off, giving into the heat the human was practically radiating.

Ashlyn yawned and slipped into dream world, 'maybe this human isn't so bad after all'.


I'm sorry there aren't more straight couples (they're not as fun to write, sorry bout it)

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