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written anonymously <3


Sunday service was always a sacred event.It was another aspect of my predictable, familiar life.  I had gone to service every Sunday since I was born. But honestly, you don't have a choice when your dad is the pastor.

My dad was probably the nicest, most holy man I've ever met. I mean, he has to be. Why else would he name all his children after the books of the Bible? Ruth, Joshua, Luke, and me, Malachi. Named after the book of his favorite bible verse:

Malachi 4:2- But you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

Our religious ways made us outsides, but I wouldn't trade this life for any other. To me, it was perfect. The lord had been good to me. Except for one issue...

I'm gay.

I've tried to hide it, but there's only one way to set myself free from this sin. I had to confess to my family. And all I could think of was the strength the Lord would give to me, and how much better I'd feel once I'd confessed.  This burden inside me felt like it would explode at any second. I needed to come out, let myself out to the world. To be saved and cleaned of my sins.

1John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I walked into the kitchen, calling my family to the living room, and sat them down on our couch. "Everyone, I need to tell you something... I'm gay."

The neutral faces of my parents and siblings turned into expressions of horror. My sister ran out of the room, both my brothers turned to each other with concerned looks on their faces, my mother was weeping, and my dad... my dad was furious. He stood up, veins piercing out of his neck, and stormed over to my trembling form.

"You listen here, boy." He yelled, "You will leave this house now, and you will never come back."

I could feel tears beginning to spill from my eyes, and my hands kept shaking. But, at the same time, my body was stiff and ridged, unable to process what was happening.

"But father, where will I go? I'm you're son. I'm a child of God, and he will purify my sin." I sob with my voice wavering.

"God damn you to hell! No child of mine will ever be homosexual. Get out of this house, go any where you like, just stay away from this family." He said as he grabbed my wrist, shoving me out of our front door. I could hear the door lock as all hope seemed lost.

Acts 3:19- Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

The verse played in the back of my mind over and over again, but it could not penetrate my mind. I made my way over to the woods, feeling the need to escape the familiar world. I may not have known my way around the wilderness, but where else would I go? Where else do I belong?

The trees and clearings gave me a sense of peace. The bark on the trees felt stiff and brittle, probably due to the January air. I could hear the scattered sounds of deer and squirrels. The beautiful sounds that came from this environment gave me a sense of ease, making me temporarily forget about everything that happened at home.

Home... where I've spent my entire life. Where everything was provided and I knew I was loved. But not anymore. How was I going to survive? The only thing I can do is go back to my roots.

Romans 5:3- Not only so, but we also glory in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

And so, I dropped to my knees and began to pray. Tear stream down my face as I asked God for strength, for some kind of protection. Anything. I could hear rustling coming from the tree I was  kneeling in front of, but that didn't stop me. Until I heard a little voice.

"What the fuck is he doing?"

I looked up to see who was talking, and I saw it. A tiny being, barely a few inches tall. With dark skin, brown eyes full of fear, and hair that looked more like a shadow than an actual head of hair. He was very, very attractive too.  Before I could even process what I was feeling, he started to run away from me. Without thinking, I grabbed him by the waist, all while he screamed and thrashed in an attempt to escape.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's alright, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you." I said, beaming. The Lord really did hear my prayers. He sent me an angel to help.

"Please, just let me down." He pleaded. I obliged, but spread my legs out into a circle and set him inside so that he couldn't run away. "Thank you." He said heaving for breath. Whoops, probably held on a little too tight.

"What's your name?" I asked, smile still present.

"Why should I tell you?" He said, an expression of fear still on his face.

"Because you're my angel? Here," I said, putting my pinky finger out for him to shake, "I'm Malachi."

The boy's face turned from a stone cold, slightly fearful look, to one of amusement as he burst out laughing. "What kind of a name is that?"

"It's biblical."

"Whatever, I'm Isaiah."

I gasped at this epiphany. Isaiah 41:10- So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

This was a sign, "Thank you God, for all you have given me."

"What the fuck are you even talking about?"

"Do you not know about God?"

"No. But I do know that talking to the air means you're crazy. So if you would just, I don't know, let me go. I'll leave you to your shenanigans."

"No, no. It's a religion. I worship God and Jesus because of all they've done for me. They give me strength. Even in my lowest moment." I say, a slight smile on my face accompanied by new tears.

My explanation probably didn't quell Isaiah's confusion, but I was still satisfied with my answer, "Ok, still confused. But what happened to you?"

"I came out as gay to my dad and he kicked me out, I had nowhere else to go, so I ended up here."

"Wait, he kicked you out for liking guys? That's ridiculous. You can't change who you are, and what power does he have to tell you who you're supposed to be?" He yelled, a confident smile decorating his face, "Hell, I'm gay and my life's been fine."

My eyes trailed from the dirt to Isaiah's eyes, a small smile gracing my face. He walked closer to me, "Hey, you need to find a place to live and know your way around the world, and I need a companion in life. What do you say we, experience life together? I've learned some social cues from observing people. I could teach you how to live and you could tell me more about this God guy. What do you say?" He asked, putting out his hand.

I grasped his hand with my thumb and forefinger, "Yeah, I'd like that."

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