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YES GOD  UGHlashton


James scooted backwards into the corner of his cage. He folded his arms over his knees and hid his face, not wanting to hear his owner talk with one of his 'customers.' James shivered, ready for whatever person was going to be thrown at him. He could only hope that the customer would be gentle. But that never happened.

He winced as the argument grew more aggressive; voices were being raised and shouts were being thrown back and forth. It all became a muddled mess of loud that made James want to curl up and cry. Suddenly, he heard footsteps, loud and as clear as day approach his room. James quivered, unable to stop the tears that always escaped him when customers came.

He heard the doorknob turn as his owner frantically tried to stop the customer. James didn't understand; his owner usually encouraged customers to approach him. The door opened and James only had enough courage to lift his head up slightly, just to get a glimpse of the large figure in the doorway, wearing a navy blue outfit. He couldn't help the shudder that ran through his body. He was just so big.

When those large baby blues met his own green ones, they softened completely. "Hello there," the man cooed softly. Taking slow steps, he crouched down on floor closer to James. "It's alright, don't be frightened."

James couldn't help it, he always got scared around customers. They grabbed him and toyed with him like a child would a doll. It made chills run down his spine as he pushed himself even further back. The giant sighed, taking off his pack and opening the flap. James cringed before curiosity took over. The man pulled out a soft looking pink blanket that James somewhat craved.

"C'mere," the man whispered in a gentle voice as he cautiously undid the lock. James braced himself for the hand to seal tightly around his waist, hoisting him into the air for more abuse to come, leaving him tense and terrified, however it never came. James peeked one eye open to see the man waiting patiently for him. The man offered a soft smile. "Let's get you out of there."

James blinked owlishly at the man, who's sympathetic eyes showed only empathy for the abused human. He had no choice but to move or he'd be taken out by force. And he did not want the only man who ever looked at him like he mattered to get angry.

He pushed himself to his feet, faltering over towards the blue-eyed man. His warm hands still coaxed him, calling James. James made it to the edge of the cage where he was met with that warm pink blanket and soft hands. James didn't fight, only letting himself get bundled by the incredibly soft blanket. He felt the man's fingers gently pull the blanket up to cover up all of James. Those same hands gently nudged the human off his feet and into his hands.

James hummed in content, eyes fluttering shut as the man pet his brown hair. He cuddled up to the blanket as he was brought up to the man's chest. "I-I like y-you, sir," James whispered softly, leaning against the man's chest. "M-Most customers j-just w-want to t-touch me, sir, like-like in a w-weird way, but," James paused to lick his chapped lips. "Y-You're nice."

The man's eyes softened. "Oh, you poor thing," He noticed how James' eyes filled with unshed tears. "My name's Percy, okay? I'm gonna get you out of here."

That caught James' attention, but not in a good way. "T-Take me a-away?" He muttered in disbelief, fear evident in his now crying eyes. "But-But-But Master w-will hurt me, hurt y-you."

Percy's eyes flashed with the most emotion he had shown James; anger. "Not just the customers touched you, he did as well?" Percy asked, almost seething. James shuddered slightly, fear slowly replacing his trust. "Y-Yes."

Percy's lips pulled back into a small snarl. "Unbelievable," he murmured angrily, getting to his feet. James' stomach squirmed at the feeling, unable to repress the soft whimper that escaped his lips as he pressed himself closer to Percy. Percy noticed and shot James a guilty look. "Sorry."

James only shuddered, keeping himself close to the older man. He heard shouts from the other room. More customers?

"Sergeant Smith," one of the other men said, causing James to wince into Percy's chest. "We've got him; we're taking him out to the car. The cage is in the front."

James' heart stopped. "S-Sir...?"

Percy looked torn, eyes flickering down to James, who had tears springing in his eyes. James clutched Percy's finger, hiccupping sobs escaping his tiny figure. He didn't want to go back to a shelter; they abused him and he didn't feel as loved as he did in this moment. "P-Please don't- "

"Hush now," Percy whispered soothingly, his thumb gently running down the child's side. He sighed loudly, stepping outside of his previous owner's house. "James, is it?" James nodded. "Well, James, do you feel...comfortable with me?"

James instantly nodded, clinging onto his thumb. "Y-Yes, sir."

Percy sighed, lifting the small child to the front of his face, clearly amused as James tried to cling onto Percy's nose, still trembling. "Hush, hush. You're alright, little one. You're gonna come home with me, okay?"

James nodded, still clinging on for dear life as Percy walked over to his car. He would sign the documents tomorrow; he would give them anything they needed if he could keep the small child that rested in his hands. Percy slowly peeled James off his nose, cooing softly as he placed him back into the blanket.

James started to nod off to the soothing petting of Percy's thumb against his blond hair, gently rubbing into his scalp. "Go to sleep, James," he whispered, smiling softly. He saved this boy and now he was his responsibility. "I'll keep you safe."

With that, James was out like a light and was unknowing about the fact he was now being driven to his new home.

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