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This is Christmas themed lol I wrote it for Christmas 😂


It was the night before Christmas and through the house the only thing stirring was a tiny borrower by the name of Joseph. He had been borrowing all night, for his human was snug tight in his bed, fast asleep while visions of sugar plums danced in his head.

Joseph latched his hook to the mantel beside and slid to the floor, the room was illuminated by the Christmas tree that was like a single star on a cloudy night.

Christmas presents sat at the base of the evergreen not to be opened until the very next day. Joseph looked to his left and a smile grew wide, for a plate of freshly baked cookies lay, just waiting to be eaten.

Joseph licked his lips and went over to the treats, with a leap he was on the plate, with greedy hands and hungry eyes he took a bite of one of the cookie. The comforting taste of buttercream and sugar filled his mouth. With a mischievous smile he filled his mouth with as much as he could handle, and it didn't take long until he felt like he was ready to burst.

With a smile of contentment he patted his belly and stood up, but as he was about to flee the scene he froze stiff in his tracks, something was wrong. There was a tingling on the base of his neck and Joseph began to shake, he could feel eyes staring holes into his back. Joseph wished he could run, or move at all, but his nerves were on edge and kept him frozen in his place.

The human.

Rumbling footsteps became apparent, and Joseph wanted to cry, if only he had left the cookies be. Suddenly giant fingers were winding around the tiny borrower, it was only then that Joseph remembered how to move, he squirmed and fought the giant's grasp but sadly his attempts were fruitless, as the human lifted him to his large mocha pools.

The human sucked in a gasp and Joseph flinched back, timid like a mouse he looked up at the giant face that loomed before him. The man before him had plump, pink lips, he had tender eyes the color of mahogany, and slightly pointed nose that had a smatter of freckles right on the bridge. His hair was the color of coffee on a cold day, warm, chocolaty, and dark.

"You're very small," the human observed, his voice was smooth like silk, the power of it made Joseph squirm in discomfort. "You seem scared."

Joseph wanted to scream at him, of course he was scared, terrified, panicked, he was going to die... He was going to die. Oh god he was going to die.  Joseph stopped squirming, he was going to die. He didn't want to, he wasn't ready. Before little Joseph could realize what was happening a hot, salty tear streamed down his cheek.

"Woah, h-hey now." The human stammered, the giant's face becoming slightly panicked, "Why are you crying? Don't cry, please, I- don't-don't cry. Please." He begged.

Joseph looked up at the human in confusion, his vision was blurry with tears. Why was the giant begging? Was it a trick?His voice sounded like it was filled with honest concern. Joseph wished to wipe away his tears but his tiny arms were trapped at his sides by the massive fingers.

Suddenly the fingers loosened and he was left sitting in the giant's open palm. He instantly stiffened and rushed to scrub his eyes clear of tears. He looked up at the titanic face looming above him, now that his his eyes free of tears he could clearly see that the giant was truly concerned for his well being.

His large mahogany eyes were practically radiating nervousness, of him! Joseph ran a shaking hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes, he looked up at the giant and swallowed thickly, "A-Aren't you going to hurt me?" He murmured his voice laced with fear.

"What? No! No of course not!" The giant yelled, causing Joseph to wince and cover his ears at the sound, the giant's eyes softened, "Here, let's start over. I'm Leon, 19, only child, likes coffee." The newly named Leon introduced holding out a hand to shake.

"Um, J-Joseph, 18, 19 i-in a few months, t-the oldest ch-child, likes, um, likes, c-cookies?" He admitted sheepishly looking to the fireplace and the slightly disturbed plate of cookies.

Now for the hardest part of all, Joseph looked up at the giant hand that had been placed before him, with a shaky hand he reached forward and gently took hold Leon's enormous middle finger.

Joseph had to suppress a cry of fear, as Leon carefully lifted his hand up and down. He smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled joyously and dimples deepened in his cheeks, a shy blush painted Joseph's cheeks. "Would you like some eggnog? We could have it with some cookies," he offered gesturing to the still full plate of cookies, Joseph had barely made a dent.

"I-I mean, sure, if you don't mind, I don't want to be a burden," The borrower muttered picking at his sleeves.

"You a burden?" Leon laughed, it was sweet and soft, it reminded Joseph of the wind chimes that would occasionally ring outside in the summer. "You're four inches tall, you're no burden to me."

"Four and a half," Joseph mumbled grudgingly, naturally the human didn't hear him, his voice was too small. Joseph was once again attacked by the feeling of helplessness, Leon could do anything and Joseph could do nothing to stop him. He squirmed in discomfort at the thought.

Finally he was dropped into the marble counter, he watched the human with interest as Leon poured a glass of eggnog for himself. He looked over at Joseph and back at his glass.

'Now he's realizing that I can be a burden,' Joseph thought bitterly as Leon dug through he cupboard, "Leon! Don't worry about it! I'm fine!" He called, cupping his hands over his mouth to make his voice travel farther.

Leon looked over at him and shook his head determinedly, it felt like ages until Leon came back with a shot glass filled to the rim with the seasonal liquid, next to it Leon had set a piece of napkin and the head of a gingerbread man, which happened to be bigger than his own, "It's the smallest glass I could find," Leon told him sheepishly with a shrug, he took a careful sip of his drink, "I can't promise it's not spiked though," Leon joked.

After drinking eggnog and chatting for a bit Joseph spoke up, "Hey L-Leon?" He asked getting the attention of the human, "I-I have to get home, but I want to thank you, for-well-for everything, f-for the food, the drink, just meeting you. It made my Christmas, so thank you."

"You're welcome Joseph, you can join me tomorrow for some Christmas dinner, it's just me, and possibly you." Leon offered with a grin, setting his empty glass in the sink and whipping his upper lip.

"Maybe I will," Joseph said pondering the idea for a moment.

"Well I should probably head to bed, and you should too, people who don't go to sleep early enough get on Santa's Naughty list!" Leon teased with a wink.

Joseph rolled his eyes and nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow!" He called to Leon who was on his way to his room, he raised a single hand to indicate that he heard the borrower.

Joseph bit his bottom lip as he walked into his familiar walls that he called home, he would never tell anyone about Leon, not his sisters, his brother, his mother, nor his father. Not that he could tell any of his family because they all lived so far away. Never the less he would never tell anyone about his growing friendship with Leon, he'd never tell the story of that Christmas.

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