A little Admierer in the Walls ✍

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Dear Rin,

I don't know why I'm writing this, I'm not supposed to be, but this is my fifth try. I've sat here for 3 hours now, trying to think of something to say to you.

So, hi.

You don't know me, half of me wants you to but the other half hopes you never get this letter or the print is too small for you to read.

I'm a borrower, I borrow things from you, small things of course. Except for that one time, I took your phone. Sorry about that.

I take little things, things you won't miss like buttons, q-tips, little bits of food and tissue, things I need to survive.

But I always feel bad. I try to make up for it doing little things. You know that time when you lose your keys and suddenly they're right in front of you? That was me.

I've known you for quite some time now, I've got to know you personally and I love it.

I've learned your little quirks and hobbies, for example, I've seen you dance around in your underwear, singing to the Spice Girls. You're so adorable when you do that. You also claim to like manly shows but every Thursday night, you watch Yuri! on ice.

I've seen you cry over that girl Jessica and try to find out where you went wrong. You didn't, she wasn't worth your time.

I swear I'm not a creep. You're just so... perfect.

I'm sorry about writing all of this, it's just... I fell in love with you, your laugh, your smile, yet you don't know I exist. You think little people are just fantasy and that's okay, I understand.

Everyone will disown me, especially my parents since they were killed by humans. Ha, and then they find out their son is in love with one, that'll break their hearts. But, deep down, I know you won't hurt me.

You can't.

You coo over anything smaller than you, you're unable to kill a spider in fear that it has a family and a home. You're so kind and sweet, yet I'm terrified, of you.

Of you.

If you ever get this, I'm sorry about the tear stains on the paper, I tend to get a little emotional sometimes.

your little admirer.


Mitch groans into his hands, sobs escaping his lips, tumbling out of them like rain from a cloud and he can't seem to stop. Why did he write this? It was so stupid! He was so stupid to believe that a human, a human, would love him.

He screams, biting his knuckle to silence it. Rin is sleeping, he doesn't want to wake him up.

In anger and frustration, Mitch grabs the letter, crumpling it up into a ball before hurling it in Rin's room. Much to Mitch's anger it flies down gently and lands on Rin's desk. Mitch sobs once again, racing back home.

Stupid Rin with his candy apple green eyes and soft, lazy smile that makes all the girls faint with affection. Stupid back muscles from swimming. Stupid sense of humor that makes Mitch laugh quietly from his little house.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

He screams into his pillow, letting his cotton ball pillow soak every tear in, every held in emotion, every frustration now held in this pillow.

His last thought before his brown eyes closes never seems to change, though.

I love you, Rin.


Rin wakes up in a cold sweat, shuddering against his blankets. He relaxes, however, seeing he is in the comfort of his own room. But it feels heavy as if rain was gathering to create a storm, a sad storm.

He frowns. This wasn't a happy start.

His eyes wander towards his clock as he runs a hand through his dirty blond hair.


He groans, getting out of the warm bed that seems to try and coaxes him back as he lazily tosses on a sweatshirt over his bare upper half. In the middle, something catches his eyes.

A small piece of paper.

Most people would brush something as simple as that off but Rin was a very organized person, everything had its proper place, a home where it belonged.

Furrowing his brows, he pulls the chair back and sat down, pulling it in. It made a loud scratching noise much to his cat's, Mocca, distaste. He growls angrily, hissing softly. Rin laughs. "Sorry, Mocca."

Rin's attention averts back to the crumpled up ball, gently unfolding it. He squints his eyes, unable to make out the... his eyes widen.

Frantically, he grabs his magnifying glass from its place and gasps loudly, eyes stretching over every word in super speed.

His eyes seem to get even wider as he gets deeper into the letter. At first, Rin thinks it's one of his friends, pulling a prank on him but the small writing says otherwise. His mind races a million miles a second as his heart pounds loudly. There was so such thing as little people, there never was and never will be!

Rin runs a hand through his hair in disbelief. He can't believe it, it's too early for this.

"I need coffee," he mutters, standing up and pushing his chair back, creating that god awful noise that Mocca yowls at but Rin doesn't care. "And a therapist."


Jesus Christ I love this, the writing, the description, the feeling, so fucking good.

Alright before I seem narcissistic this is not my writing, this lovely story belongs to the wonderful, the caring, the best UGHlashton

She's super chill and you should really check her out, she has this adorable little GT one shot about Lashton that you should really read.

Andddddd I really want her to make this into a multiple part series because I freaking love it so far! Alright check her out and have a fabulous day!!! 😘

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