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Jude ⬆️

Jude sobbed into his hands, the net he was trapped in swung back and forth steadily. His leg had been awkwardly twisted in the rope and had proceeded to throb.

Out of all the ways he could've died it was going to be in the hands of a human, Jude cursed his clumsiness. He had gone on a walk and failed to noticed the trap laid before him.

Before he could register what was happening the net closed around him and hung from a tree branch, trapping his leg painfully between the rope.

The trap preventing any escape for the tiny fairy. He still tried to escape though, thrashing widely, clawing at the ropes, climbing up them and searching for anyway out.

But all it did was tire him out. He collapsed in a heap at the bottom of the net, Jude looked at his swelling leg and winced. Tears slowly drying on his cheeks, Jude's pointed ears twitched as sticks crunched and leaves rustled.

His eyes widened as a massive human came out of the forest, he was absolutely ginormous, his dark brown hair was long and messy, scruff lined his sharp jawline and freckled beneath his perfectly sharp nose, he had blue eyes that sharply observed his surroundings. The human wore a leather jacket and pants with many pockets. He looked a bit older than Jude, twenty maybe.

Jude realized the man was was coming for his trap and decided the best option he had was to play dead. He held his breath as he lay motionless the bottom of the bag. The human rustled forward and Jude felt the sun get blocked out and heard a sharp intake of breath.

"A fairy," the human breathed, Jude did his best to not shake though it was near impossible. The fairy stopped himself from flinching as the human cupped his hand under the bag, leaving Jude in his palm with only rope between them.

"Jesus Christ." The human muttered, Jude could feel his eyes looking over his tiny form, "Fuck, I forgot my knife."

A knife?! Without thinking Jude sucked in a loud gasp, eyes snapping open in terror. His green eyes instantly found themselves staring at the human's wide brown ones.

"You were faking!" The human realized, his eyes were wide and filled with excitement, hunger, mischief, and curiosity, a smirk played upon his lips.
Jude cowered back, shaking uncontrollably, god he was so screwed.

He began to claw at the ropes, desperately trying to escape but all he managed was to get tangled hopelessly in the ropes, "Woah, woah hey now, calm down little one."

Jude flinched, his head ducked down. He desperately tried to pull his arms and legs free from the ropes that confined him, but thus he was hopelessly trapped. He ignored his streaming tears and slumped down hopelessly.

The human untied the net from the tree but was unable to actually open the trap itself. The man frowned after tugging at the ropes for a moment. He tied the net to his belt and began to walk, Jude repeatedly hit they human's thigh as he walked.

Jude continued to struggle for freedom, fingers curling around the ropes that surrounded him. The human entered a clearing, there was a hammock and a pile of supplies near a tree stump.

The human untied the net from his belt and set the helpless Jude on the tree stump, he began digging though his supplies. In the corner of Jude's eye he noticed a glint of silver, he turned and gasped.

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