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Brendon watched from the safety of hhis mouse hole as the bean left, he waited until he locked the door from the outside to come out of the open.

He cautiously ran over the counter, Brendon swung his hook a few times before throwing it up into the counter. It easily caught on the grooves of the wood.

Brendon tugged it a few times to make sure it was steady. He tightened the wrappings on his hands before grabbing the rope and hoisting himself up.

Brendon swiftly hoisted himself up and climbed vertically up to the counter. He went quickly never knowing when the human would walk back in. His satchel rhythmically slammed against his thigh as he climbed.

Brendon grunted as he pulled himself onto the cold wooden surface. He left the hook in the counter and ran to the jar of Sugar. The top was hastily put on, Brendon grinned, that certainly made his job easier.

He shoved the top completely off and it clattered onto the counter. Brendon pushed the top against the jar so he could use it as a stepping stool. He reached in and grabbed a bit of sugar that had compressed itself into a chunk.

Brendon shoved it in his bag and moved on, he made his way around the kitchen. He collected crumbs, tiny pieces of food, paper clips, Bobby pins, and safety pins. He was shoving the last crumb into his full bag when he heard a click.

Brendon froze. He looked toward the clock with a wide eyes, 12:45. He'd lost track of time, Brendon cursed under his breath. He ran to his rope, but he knew he would never make it in time.

He looked around desperately for a place to hide, suddenly a tingling sensation ran up his spine. Brendon started to shake, "What the hell?" A rumbling voice murmured, stomping footsteps followed.

A shadow fell over him, and a warm breeze washed over Brendon. He shuddered, the human was right behind him. He begged his limbs to move, to run, but he was frozen in fear.

"Oh my god." The voice murmured, warm air rushed past him. Brendon's legs felt like jelly, he shook against his will. Suddenly he realized he could move, he ran towards the cupboard knowing he wouldn't make it.

Suddenly a wall of flesh slammed down in front of him. Brendon yelped and fell back. Before he could get up giant digits were wrapping around him, a strangled cry ripped it's way out of his throat. He struggled and squirmed, but the bean was too strong.

He squeezed his eyes shut as the human brought him to his face, he opened his eyes and gasped. Giant aquamarine eyes stared at him filled with awe and wonder. Brendon felt naked under the giant's gaze.

He struggled relentlessly, the bean chuckled, "Yeah I don't think that's gonna help you much."

Brendon flinched at the powerful voice, he fell limp, and his bottom lip started to tremble. Tears started to leak out of his eyes, he wanted to wipe them away but his arms were trapped at his sides.

"I-I'm sorry, p-pl-please, I-I'll be gone by to-tonight, just let m-me go." Brendon begged the giant pitifully.

Suddenly the hand was shifting, Brendon cried out, expecting to be thrown into the giant's mouth, crushed under his giant hand, but instead the hand opened leaving Brendon sitting in his palm practically hyperventilating.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." The bean said clearly upset. Brendon looked around with a mix of confusion and terror. Was he playing with him? Brendon trembled uncontrollably.

The bean noticed this, his face flashed guilt and Brendon was set on the table. He tried to stand but his knees buckled and he collapsed. The giant hand reached down to help him up, Brendon yelped and held his hands up. The hand froze and retreated.

The bean looked at him one more time, he sighed and walked away. Brendon looked around with confusion, he didn't waste anytime before getting up and running to his home.

He stood inside and sank to the floor, his whole body felt like jelly, shaky and unstable. He held a trembling hand over his mouth.

He had to leave. Those were the rules. He would start over, and never get caught again.

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