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Written by the-booknook ❤️


Finn was not afraid of giants. He was afraid of dying.

He was afraid of being stepped on. He was afraid of being mistaken for a bug and being swatted by a newspaper.

But he was not afraid of giants.

In fact, he found them fascinating. There was a family of them in the house he lived in, two parents and three kids. He had a particular interest in the youngest boy, Parker.

He was around Finn's age, just having celebrated his seventeenth birthday. He was a nice boy, polite to his parents and kind to his friends. Finn was not afraid of him.

But he was afraid of what he was capable of.

Which was why Finn needed to get it over with once and for all and introduce himself.

He laced his fingers together from his perch on the human's desk, in plain sight should he look over at him. He wasn't sure why he was nervous; he had been planning to reveal himself ever since his parents had moved next door to give him some independence. They never would have approved, which is why he had to wait until he turned eighteen to do it. That was when they agreed to move out.

He sat with his back against the mason jar that Parker used to hold his pencils and such for school, all of which were taller than Finn. He glanced at the digital clock that hung on the wall across the room, which read it was half past three o'clock. The human should be home any second from school.

Finn fiddled with a thread that he had pulled from his worn sweater as he let the finality of his decision sink in. Once Parker saw him, there was no going back. There was no way that even a human as understanding as him would just let the appearance of a tiny person slide. Finn knew he himself wouldn't, if the roles were reversed.

He also knew that he wouldn't hurt said tiny person.

He hoped that Parker wouldn't either.

He heard the front door open downstairs, followed by loud footsteps that sounded like they were going up the stairs. Since the two other young human were in college, Finn knew who it must be.

The room to the bedroom creaked open, and Finn shrank back. He fought the urge to run, to hide, like he knew he was supposed to.

The towering skyscraper of a boy walked into the room, slamming his door behind him and shoving the phone that was in his hand into his pocket. His face was twisted into a frown, and he looked unbelievably frustrated.

"Dammit," he muttered angrily under his breath, Finn's sensitive ears picking up the word as if they had been spoken right next to him. He cringed at the raw emotion packed into the sound.

The human dropped his giant backpack onto the ground, more aggressively than probably necessary.

Finn was beginning to rethink introducing himself. Not while the human was this angry. Not when said anger could be directed at someone as small as himself.

He was attempting to stand and leave the room discreetly when he felt a pair of eyes on his back right before he got to the edge of the desk.

"What the hell?" he heard, followed by booming footsteps.

Finn whirled around to Parker nearing towards him, looming over him even from where he stood on the desk. Finn could only imagine what it would be like to be so close to him and on the ground.

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