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Written by my lovely whip UGHlashton
(Thanks for texting me back)

Eddie ran as fast as he could, heart thumping frantically in his throat. His lungs ached desperately for his inhaler, that rested in his pack. He could hear the hoots and hollers of the older kids behind him, chasing him into the deep forest.

"C'mon out, fag!" The voice echoed out around him but he didn't dare turn around to go check. Why couldn't they just give up? They were well into hour three and they were slowly gaining. Eddie was panting so hard that his eyesight was spinning. The day was ending and his mom would surely kill him if the boys didn't get to him first.

His feet were aching and completely numb as Eddie tripped, falling face first in mud. He let out a breathless groan, whimpering as he pulled himself to his knees and tried to crawl. The mud was in his face, momentarily blinding him. Mud this thick had god knows how many diseases. How many animals had shit in there?

However, Eddie had failed to notice how much taller the trees had gotten.

Sitting against a rock, Eddie propped himself up at reached into his bag, searching for his inhaler. Suddenly, something grabbed his bag and pulled him into the air. His inhaler slipped through his fingers as he screamed, squirming violently against one of the boy's hold.

Fear gripped at his throat as he was lifted higher, and higher until ground seemed miles away. "H-Help!" He screeched, fighting wildly as he dangled in the air. This wasn't one of the bullies. His lungs were burning as if he swallowed shards of glass and water.

"Quit squirming," a loud voice scolded causing Eddie to shrink back. "I don't wanna drop ya."

His stomach flipped with vertigo as he was swung through the air, now looking into a gigantic face of a thirteen-year-old. Oversized glassed covered big, brown eyes as they studied Eddie's shaking form. Eddie hiccupped breaths, trying to breathe as he pushed away the giant boy's fingers. This was not happening. There was no fucking giant. They didn't exist!

"Where the fuck are you, fag!" Eddie heard Victor scream. He visibly paled as the giant boy's brows furrowed in confusion.

"More humies?" He muttered to himself softly. "Mom's gonna kill me."

Eddie let out a scream as the boy covered his entire face with a fingertip, biting it. The giant let out a yelp before securing Eddie in both of his hands, the way Eddie's friends would when they caught a frog. Eddie pounded on the hands, kicking and squirming as the giant crouched down, keeping him in the dark.

He heard rustling and held his breath, occasionally thinking about crying out but before he could, the giant would always shift his palms to jostle Eddie around. He heard the boys talking before walking away.

After a few moments, the giant breathed out in relief, opening his palms to reveal a sickly looking Eddie. Ungracefully, Eddie leaned over the side of the giant's hands and vomited. Eddie struggled to breathe, feeling absolutely helpless. "I-I-I-Inha-" he cut himself off with a hacking cough. "I-Inhaler."

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