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Sam threw himself against the glass, he sobbed pathetically. The poor boy was only seven, shrunken by a group of men who bought him off of his adopted parents.

The men outside the glass laughed at his fruitless attempted to escape and Sam whimpered, pushing himself back against the glass as far away from them as he could get. Sam wanted to go home, he wanted a home.

He hugged himself and cried, burying his face in his knees. The glass was cold against his bare back, it had only been a week or two and he was already covered in bruises and cuts. The men took his clothes from him, leaving him naked and exposed.

Sam was going to be sold as a toy or a pet once he had finished their 'training' with him. The men were rough and terrifying, they forced him to do things. Things that Sam didn't want to do, he would fight and squirm but they would force him to obey.

Sam was losing hope fast, he spent his time crying. The men began to talk about him, they were selling him tomorrow. They talked about the man being rich and cruel, looking at Sam with a smirk, "Poor little guy," They mocked.

Sam sank down further, he couldn't do anything worse than they had done right? He whimpered, hugging himself right.

The tiny boy didn't sleep that night, how could he? He imagined the tortures that awaited him and trembled, it was still dark when they left. The men trapped Sam in a small cardboard box, he screamed and tried to break out.

Every time they would just shake the box roughly and knock him down, many bruises later Sam fell still. He felt the box lift and he whimpered. The car door slammed shut and the child curled into a tight ball in the corner of the box.

Outside he heard a new man's voice, it was deep and smooth. He shuddered, he heard them exchange money and the box began to rock as the man walked. A door closed and Sam covered his mouth to hide his fearful cries.

The box was set down and Sam whimpered, the top of the box was taken away, temporarily blinding him. He blinked back spits and whispered as he saw emerald eyes staring down at him. They crinkled as a sadistic smile formed on his face.

____________ weeks later ___________

Calvin held his gun close, one of his comrades slammed their body against the door, once, twice, on the third it the door broke from it's hinges. He ran in, Calvin had his gun ready, he peered around before waving the rest of the team in.

Quickly they began to search the house, the man was a suspected sex offender and was involved with drugs and other illegal activity. Calvin kicked open a door, it was empty but he heard soft cries, sounding much like those of a child.

He looked around in confusion, his eyes landed on a bird cage, it was covered in a cloth. Calvin ripped off the cloth and gasped. His hand fell limp, his gun resting against his eye as he gaped. Suddenly something heavy and large collided with his head.

He fell to the ground and groaned in agony, his gun out of his reach, the man, William McGregory stared down at him, a twisted look in his eyes. He went to hit him again with the desk chair but another police officer appeared in the doorway.

"Freeze! You're under arrest!" She called, gun in hand. While he was distracted Calvin kicked his legs from under him, he fell to the ground with a grunt. He wasted no time getting on his back and handcuffing him.

He let the other officer carry him away, thanking her with a nod of his head. Calvin turned his attention back to the cage. It was a tiny boy, not even four inches tall, he was cowering against the back of the cage, stark naked.

Calvin didn't hesitate, quickly he grabbed the cloth that had been hanging over the cage and tore off a piece. He opened the cage and the boy whimpered, trying to scoot away from him. Tears flowed over past dried ones as he shook his head.

Calvin gently shushed him and reached in, he was incredibly careful as he slipped the cloth around the fragile boy. He proceeded to curl his hands around him, the boy sobbed loudly into  his hands. The man shushed him softly and brought him to his chest, cradling him there.

The boy hesitantly looked up, his face red confusion. Slowly he melted into Calvin's offered touch, his back shuddering with crippling sobs. Calvin stroked his back and murmured soft words to him, the boy clutched his thumb and clung to it like a it was a lift raft. After a few minutes of coaxing and reassuring Calvin had managed to get a name out of the tiny boy, Sam.

"I'm gonna get you help alright, Sammy?" He murmured, the boy cuddled closer and hesitantly nodded. He couldn't be older than seven, Calvin could only imagine the torture he had endured. Calvin brought Sam outside and over to the ambulance, the boy huddled closer as he saw the new people.

Calvin ignored the other officers and brought Sam straight to the ambulance, they looked at him in confusion but that quickly turned to disbelief as he showed them Sam. "What the hell?" One of them said loudly. That caught the attention of the other officers and made Sam shy back.

The police men and women crowded around Calvin, they stared at Sam, who whimpered audibly and curled into a nervous ball, pressing himself against Calvin. The man shooed them away and coaxed Sam into opening back up to let the doctors help.

They tried to take him out of Calvin's hands which only resulted in Sam screaming and panicking. So Sam stayed in his hands as the doctor's patched him up, he had so many injuries, finally they finished. Sam was covered in bandages and looked utterly exhausted.

"Hey, Sammy, get some sleep, alright?" He whispered, brushing back the boy's long hair. He weakly nodded and curled into his palm.

"D-Don't let h-him get me," He begged quietly, he was trembling, "I-I wanna st-stay with y-you."

Calvin softly shushed him, "I'll make sure he never touches you ever again, you're gonna stay with me, okay, it's okay." He whispered, watching as Sam thanked him quietly, hugging his thumb as he drifted off into dreamland. "I'll keep you safe, Sammy, I promise."


user30993595 this is what i had planned i hope you liked it :)

so i was thinking, dangerous i know.

but like what if i made a snapchat account for writing/gt/wattpad would you guys be interested at all?

like i mean idk because i could be a forty year old man!!!! who's gonna hack youuuuu! i'm not but i don't want you guys to like follow someone you don't know and idk what i'm saying

but i wanna know you guys more! so just lemme know what you think, if you'd follow, if i should, if it's a bad idea, idk anything

alrighty that's what i've got, stay gucci

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