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"Stop!" Macy screamed, thrashing against the tight hands that gripped her  arms. "Don't do this!" She was breathing heavily as they pinned her to the large wooden pole, chaining her there.

They stepped away leaving her there to scream and sob, her pristine white dress flowed around her as the wind blew. The jewelry covering her rang out, jingling. She fell limp, begging the men weakly as she watched them leave.

Abandoning her.

She twisted and squirmed against the metal that kept her pinned to the stake. A sacrifice, that's all she was. She sobbed, kicking her heeled feet against the sandy ground. Her chin falling against her chest, her kohl eyeliner mixing with her tears, leaving dark streaks down her face.

Her rouge smeared on her cheeks, altering her perfect mask of makeup. It wouldn't matter soon, she'd be dead, eaten, crushed. The giant that lived around the village was restless, taking a sacrifice from the village and doing god knows what.

Rumors of what the massive being did to the human spread, eaten, crushed, taken. The council did their best to pick people that didn't matter. Citizens with deformities, those who were crippled, orphans. Whatever unimportant member of their small society they could get.

And it just happened to be Macy, orphan Macy, homeless Macy, her mother died giving birth to her. Her father, well her father had been a sacrifice before her. Never to be heard from again.

Tears dribbled down her cheeks, she pulled her trembling lip into her mouth. Freezing as the telltale vibrations of the giant approached. She went pale, continuing to squirm and panic. Yelping and struggling.

A shadow washed over her and she could feel puffs of warm air on her body. She whimpered, pressing herself fully against the stake. Hesitantly she opened her eyes, she didn't scream, only stared, pale, trembling.

Never had she felt so small.

The giant looked young, younger than Macy had anticipated, near her age. He didn't match the legends she had heard. He had shining blue eyes, not red glowing with hatred. No claws were on his hands, no razor teeth in his mouth. He did not look like the monster everyone had made him out to be.

Though he didn't look scary Macy knew all too well that he had the power to kill her, to crush her, to mutilate her body. "Help!" She screamed desperately, again and again, thrashing against the chains and kicking at the post. She stopped as she heard a soft whimper, looking up in disbelief.

The giant watched her, eyes filled with tears. Macy gaped at him, watching him turn around, "I-I can't do this." He whispered. Macy paled, her knees becoming increasingly weak as another giant stepped out, this one far more intimidating. Old enough to be the first's father.

She shoved herself further against the stake, her gut twisting. The older man frowned almost in... pity?

He put a hand on the giants shoulder, smiling weakly. Not a malicious smile, not cruel, a fatherly smile, almost inviting. "It's okay, you're okay." The man coaxed to Macy, her heart still pounding in her chest.

It wouldn't be that easy. She swallowed thickly, these were the giants that killed her father. She began to sob, "Just do it!" She screamed, the young giant whimpered again.

The elder bit his lip, whispering something in his ear. The boy stood, nodding, he backed away and ran into the forest. "We're not going to hurt you," The man whispered, "That's not what we do." He told her.

She swallowed thickly as he pulled out a knife, she squeezed her eyes shut but instead of feeling the blade slice through her she heard it break the chains. She fell to the ground, Macy tried to run but the giant gently placed a hand in front of her.

"If you go back they're burn you," He told her softly, she quickly stepped back. Macy trembled, knowing he was right. He'd witnessed citizens who'd returned, they burned them at stakes so the giant would still be satisfied.

She was helpless. Slowly she nodded, letting out a soft sob as his hand wrapped around him. He continued to murmur sweet nothings to her. He continued to cry as the giant stood and began to walk.

Suddenly he stopped, Macy looked up and gasped. A house a massive house, fit for the giants. He looked down at her before stepping into the house. The boy from earlier say at the table with another giant, female this time.

"I don't know, mama, she was just so scared and-" The boy looked up, biting his lip and looking down. Some guilt hit her for making him feel like a monster.

As she looked closer she saw other humans, her eyes widening. The giant must've noticed this because she was soon set down beside them. They didn't look hurt, abused. They couldn't really be kind, could they?

She heard someone gasp and looked up, Macy's mouth fell open slightly. "Papa?" She whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

Her father. After years, still him, the same eyes, the same face. She let out a sob and launched herself into his arms, collapsing, letting out a sob.

He held her, rubbing her back. She swallowed thickly, clinging to him. He held her, whispering soft words to her, his own voice cracking. Squeezing her tight.

And in that moment Macy knew everything would be okay.


it's been awhile, sorry about that. before saying anything a really big thanks to rottting , kyojin- and PheonixCamaragirl for staying with me and putting up with me

my anxiety and depression has gotten a lOt woRse. i've been taking everything really bad for myself. like making it seem awful when it's not that bad? i guess?

idk writing hasn't been on my mind i guess. idk i'm just getting increasingly suiCidAl? idk i feel like everything is crashing onto me all at once and i just cat hold it, it just hurts and sucks idk. lmAo but it's okay, i'm going to try and write more.

if you want to write a oneshot in the meantime please hmu. like it would be really helpful.

thanks for listening to me rant, i appreciate you all, you're all loved.

sorry if this is crap btw i wrote it really fast in class

alright i love you, stay safe <3

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