👨‍👦 pt. 1

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Felix pressed himself against the wall as the human child ran past him, and hurled himself into his fathers arms. Felix held his breath until they walked away.

He continued on his way, going into the child's room. He was understandably messing being only seven so Felix could easily borrow things without it being noticed.

He grabbed a few crumbs from a leftover snack and cut a piece of fabric from a forgotten shirt. Then he disappeared back into the walls, he sat in his mouse hole in the kitchen, he had a pile of scraps to make a new shirt, he decided to watched the father, Nick try and get his son to eat lunch.

It was really quite sad, Nick was struggling. He was pretty much a super dad and Felix saw how much Bobby admired him but Bobby didn't see his father struggling to pay taxes and struggling to deal with the loss of his wife.

"Daddy?" Felix watched as Nick looked up and met his son's big, curious eyes.

"Yeah, bud?"

"Where's mommy?" Felix's eyes widened and he saw Nick stiffen dramatically, "Millie and Stephen have mommies."

Nick's eyes softened, "Mommy's in a special place, s-she's up there." Bobby's eyes followed Nick's finger to the ceiling, "You'll meet her one day, buddy." His voice cracked, "Why don't you go and play for a bit, huh?"

Nick waited until his son was gone before breaking down, Felix's eyes softened in pity. He was trying to soften his sobs with his hands but it wasn't doing much.

Felix sighed and disappeared back into the walls, he couldn't stand listening to his sobs anymore. That night Nick had a women over, he was going on another date.

She seemed like a bitch, Nick had been getting desperate. He had both men and women over, some where nice, some not so much. One man fled as soon as he found out Nick had a child.

Nick had sent Bobby to his room as he ate dinner with his date. As Felix was running to the bathroom he noticed cries coming from Bobby's room. Curiously he peaked his head into the room and gasped.

Bobby was crying, he was standing on his dresser, close to the edge. Felix bit his lip, he couldn't reveal himself, he couldn't. But he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let Bobby die.

He was trembling as he stepped into the room, "Bobby!" He yelled, his voice was shaky and nervous. The seven-year-old's eyes snapped to Felix and they widened. "H-Hi there," Felix stammered, "Listen, you need to get down, okay?"

Bobby's lip trembled and he leaned closer to the wall, he shook his head, "N-No, s-scary." He whimpered.

"I know it's scary buddy, but you have to come down, you got up right? Y-You can get down." Felix reassured.

Bobby bit his lip, "J-Just please stay there," he murmured fearfully, Felix nodded and watched as Bobby began to climb down, his heart pounded.

Bobby's feet touched the carpet and he jumped down, he looked to Felix with a large smile, "I did it!" Felix screwed his eyes in relief and nodded but they snapped back open as tree trunk like fingers wrapped around him.

He gasped and he was dragged through the air and brought to Bobby's face, he planted his hands on Bobby's finger and attempted to pull himself free. But it was completely useless, Bobby's large eyes scanned over Felix's little body.

"What are you?" He asked curiously, Bobby ran a finger over Felix's mop of hair, Felix flinched back. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked innocently.

"N-No," Felix lied, Bobby's face brightened and he smiled widely.

"My daddy would love you, you're so cute." Bobby cooed, Felix paled but Bobby didn't notice, "He's on a date right now," he looked at the door in disapproval, he whispered to Felix, "I don't like her, I don't think she like me at all."

Felix let out a nervous chuckle, "Hey Bobby, can um, can you put me down?" He asked hopefully.

Bobby frowned making Felix bit his lip, "But you haven't met my daddy yet."

"I know, I-I really don't need to meet him, I'm fine, I-I kind of need to get home." Just as those words left his mouth Nick appeared in the doorway.

Felix's eyes widened as he was thrusted in front of Nick, Bobby practically shaking with excitement, "Look at him, daddy! Isn't he handsome?"

Felix was frozen, he was staring right into Nick's eyes, "Yeah, Bobby, he is, can I hold him?" Nick asked never breaking eye contact with Felix. He was dumped into Nick's hand which securely clenched around him.

"I'm going to go talk to him, stay here alright?" Bobby looked uneasy but stayed.

Nick shut the door and walked to the kitchen, he glared down at Felix making his heart pound. "What did you do to him?" He growled.


"Why were you in his room? A-Are you some soft of pervert?!" He yelled. Felix flinched wishing he could cover his ears.

"N-No, I-I-" Felix cried out as he was thrown onto the table.

"Get out of my house." Nick growled lowly, he turned and began to walk away before Felix was blinded by anger.

"I'm sorry that I saved your son's life!" Felix yelled, fists clenched at his sides, Nick turned in surprise, "He was on the dresser! I helped him down! H-He could have died! I did your job! When you were on your stupid date!" By the end of his speech, passionate tears were running down his face.

Nick gaped at him, Bobby walked into the room and saw Felix crying. He ran over and took him in his hands, "Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

Felix just shook his head, "Please, c-can you put me d-down, Bobby?" He frowned but set him down.

He felt both humans on his back as he disappeared into the walls.


I don't know if this is good, I just started writing and didn't stop, also same characters from the last story but I have Bobby instead of Coco and the sizes are switched. I forgot to mention I named him Felix after watching a Pewdiepie video 😂😂😂😂

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