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Hand in hand Connor and Caden stepped into the pet store. They'd been together for over a year now, they've lived together for two months, and now Connor insisted on getting a pet together.

Instantly Connor raced to the puppies, "Oh Caden, look at that one!" He cried pointing to a fluffy poodle mix.

Caden laughed and nodded, "It is pretty cute, but not as cute as you!" He teased, leaning in for a kiss.

Connor scoffed and brushed past him, "We could get a kitty!" He said hopefully, pointing to the cages of cats.

"Eh, they shed a lot," Caden complained, Connor pouted, rolling his eyes and kept moving.

Finally they got to the human section, Caden took notice to a boy around they're age who smiled up at him confidently, "Connor how about this little guy?" He asked, kneeling to look at the human. Caden frowned as he didn't get a reply, "Babe?"

Connor was kneeling besides a cage, his hand was against a wired cage and concern etched onto his normally lighthearted face. Caden kneeled beside his boyfriend, inside was a little, human boy.

He had sickly pale skin, dark, wild hair covered his pretty blue eyes. There was barely any meat on his bones, bags decorated his eyes and fear coated his pupils.

The human child whimpered at Caden and scooted away from him. "Do you want him?" Caden asked him softly, the little boy stiffened. Connor nodded without taking his eyes off the human, Connor brought his hand up to the bars and the human flinched back in fear.

Caden wasn't surprised, Connor always had liked kids. He took one more look at his boyfriend before going to find a worker. He found her at the desk, "Excuse me I'd like to buy a pet." He said kindly.

She nodded with a bright smile and followed him to Connor, she took one look at the boy in the cage and her face fell. "Oh dear, I'm sorry. I'm afraid that human is not for sale as a pet." She said with false sympathy.

"What?" Caden asked, eyebrows furrowing, "Why is he here then?"

"It is sold as more of a, um a personal toy. If you will." She replied hesitantly.

"What the hell does that mean?" Caden asked, agitation growing. He crossed his scarred, tattooed arms in frustration.

"He is used for, um, well-" she stammered. "For pleasure."

Both boys froze and the human whimpered, Caden looked at the tiny boy in shock. No wonder he was so frightened when they said they were going to buy him, he poor child thought that they were going to-

Caden was knocked out of his thoughts as Connor spoke up, "B-But he's just a child." He whispered, protectively moving closer to the young human.

"I-I don't make the rules," She defended.

"How much is the price difference?" Caden asked.

The woman bit her lip, before meeting his eyes, "Hundreds." Caden's eyes widened.

"Can you bring us your manager please?" Connor asked firmly. She nodded and raced off to the back.

"Connor, maybe we should just get a different human we can't afford him, not right now," Caden offered quietly, Connor looked at him like he was insane.

"We need to get him out of here, we can't just let him get sold to a pedophile as-as a sex toy. He's just a child for god's sake! Is he not worth fighting for?" Connor cried, tears welling in his eyes.

Caden nodded, he was right, god he was always right. He wiped back Connor's tears and decided that he would do whatever it took to keep him safe.

The tiny boy looked at them in surprise, "We're gonna get you out of here okay?" Connor whispered, the little boy tugged on the collar that was wrapped around his neck, silencing him. He looked up at Caden and Connor with big brown eyes and nodding.

Connor smiled softly and put his pinkie through the bars. The little human stared at it for a moment before reaching out and holding it close to him. The lady from before came back over to the couple.

"Follow me please." She told them softly, Caden watched as Connor picked up the human's tiny cage and brought him with to an office like room. They sat in two uncomfortable chairs, an old man was sitting at a desk.

He saw the human in the cage and his lip curled in disgust. He boy whimpered and scooted closer to Connor and Caden. "What can I help you boys with?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"We'd like to buy this human, as a pet and nothing more." Caden said confidently.

"But that particular human is not being sold as a pet. If you'd like to buy him it's full price." The man replied calmly.

"He is a child not a sex toy." Caden said firmly.

The man clicked his tongue, "Such harsh words, we prefer personal toy." The little human whimpered. "He is sold for five hundred and fifty dollars and that is final."

That was two hundred dollars more than what a human would usually cost. "That is insane." Caden growled.

"That is the cost." He snapped, the boy flinched, through the cage bars Connor rubbed his back while glaring at the owner.

Caden looked to Connor who bit his lip, Caden paused. "Fine."

The old man smiled, a sick, cruel smile. "Fantastic, Linda dear, please prep him." The lady who helped them earlier nodded and took the cage from Connor. The little boy's eyes went wide and he reached an arm through the bars, reaching desperately for Connor.

"We'll see you in a minute," Connor promised the boy before the women took him away. Caden wrote out a check and handed it to the disgusting man, pushing down the urge to cuss him out.

Caden and Connor waited for him their hands intwined. Connor looked into Caden's eyes with worry. Connor smiled reassuringly and gave him a peck on the lip and rubbed his knuckle with his thumb.

It took about an hour before he was ready, though to the couple it felt like centuries. The woman came back with the boy in a brand new cage. Connor quickly stood and took him from her hands before his eyebrow furrowed in mild concern.

"Ma'am is there anyway you could remove his collar?" He asked politely, holding the cage to his chest.

Her eyes went wide, "But that would mean he would be able to talk back."

"Yes, precisely." Connor said directly, he hesitantly handed her the cage and watched with anger as she snatched the boy out of his confinement.

The lady took a pair of scissors and out the blade through the collar pulling it taught against his neck. Caden watched furiously as the human choked and squirmed until the scissors snipped shut and the collar slipped from his neck.

The boy felt his blistered neck in disbelief, the woman threw him roughly back into his cage. "Thank you so much!" Charlie giggled as she glared at him.

Caden led them to the car where he got in the driver's seat. Before they could even start driving Connor opened the cage and put his hand palm up in front of the boy.

He wasted no time clambering onto Connor's palm, Caden cooed. "What's your name, little one?" Connor asked softly.

"E-Elijah!" He yelled, his voice hoarse from not speaking, Connor smiled at little Elijah.

"You're very cute, did you know that, Elijah?" Caden asked teasingly.

Elijah burned red and sheepishly tilted his head down, "Th-Thank you sir!"

Caden smiled, "Don't call me me, sir. You can call me Caden." He whispered softly.

The little boy nodded shyly and cuddled close to Connor. He yawned and began to drift off against Connor's abdomen.

Connor looked up at Caden and grinned and in that moment Caden knew that he had would never regret the decision to buy Elijah.

No matter the cost, or the extra hours of work it took to make up for lost money, he would never trade the human for anything in the world. 

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