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By UGHlashton


It wasn't unlike Quinn to get lost in the dirty, rundown streets of New York, his rugged converse slamming down on the hard concrete as they took him towards the Giant part of town.

Ever since they appeared, humans had started to welcome them into society, thus having New York spilt into two. It wasn't that difficult since the Giants – they preferred the term prodigious colossal, but that was too much of a mouthful for Quinn – could shrink to a human's size by will but it was extremely uncomfortable.

That's how the stayed hidden for so long, they blended into the human race easily. It was hard to believe that they had been living amongst them, casually for 30 years. They had only been exposed to the world around 13 years ago, but people adapted pretty quickly and starting making buildings and job opportunities and before they even knew it, humans and Giants co-existed in spilt divisions.

Of course, Quinn hadn't meant to go down that far towards Giant territory, however his hood was up and he didn't really pay much mind to the world around him since his headphones were blaring music into his ears.

Not to be racist, but Quinn didn't really...enjoy the company of Giants, in fact, he had quite a huge fear of them, pun indented. Ever since he was four, he couldn't get the image of someone actually picking him up at such a high drop, it sent goosebumps crawling up his skin.

But, this opinion was not shared amongst most people. Hell, for some sick and crazy reason, they wanted to be held by some man crushing creature. He couldn't believe it, trusting your life in the literal hands of someone, even by someone you trust was stupid!

Suddenly, lost in his train of thought, he bumped into a wall. "Hey!" Quinn could hear the loud voice bark over the sound of his headphones. He hesitantly looked up, his prayers going unanswered as his large brown eyes craned up towards a dark and sinister face. The wall he had ran into was actually a foot. "Watch it, pipsqueak."

Quinn gulped, his eyes darting over the billboard like faces that surrounded him as the ground shook with tremors as the cornered him.

"I-I," his throat went dry. He swallowed harshly. "I-I'm sorry. I-I w-wasn't looking w-where I was g-going."

The trembles in his voice didn't go unnoticed as one Giant smirked, getting down on one knee and leaning in closer towards his pathetic figure. Quinn's knees shook as he looked around for an escape only to find more feet and legs that towered over him.

"Long way from home, huh squirt?" he chuckled darkly and prodded him aggressively in the chest. Quinn fell with a whimper, his tailbone now throbbing in pain. His eyes darted to his phone that laid forgotten at the side. The Giant seemed to notice and growled. "Don't even think about it," he warned. Then he slammed his fist down on the phone, causing an ear shattering noise. He clamped his hands over his ears to attempt to stop the ringing.

His heart pounded in his ribcage like a bird desperate to free itself from a cage. They weren't going to leave him alone.

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