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Written by PheonixCamaragirl 10/10 I love it so fucking much yes please


Rain fell from the sky in large droplets onto Skylar. He should have known better than to walk in the woods alone at night, especially after his mom told him not to. But fuck it, he was 17 and could do what he wanted. She didn't care about him, she never accepted who he was. With a full backpack slung onto one shoulder, he was already deep into the wilderness.

The walk started out normal, but as he kept going deeper and deeper things started to change. Trees started getting bigger, grass started getting taller, and the rain that started halfway through his walk became larger and soaked him more and more.

His wet, blond hair laid in strings across his face. The water had turned the color into more of a chocolatey brown. His sweatpants were soaked due to the wet grass he was waist deep in. Skylar could feel the vibrations of his phone through the thick fabric. It was probably his mom, but he didn't answer it. She wouldn't be able to find him. He barely knew where he was.

He stopped to process everything. Taking off his backpack, he searched for the food that he packed. There were enough granola bars and water bottles to last him a could of weeks. Skylar pulled out a peanut butter granola bar and a water bottle. He sat in the driest spot underneath the closest tree, which must have been about 200 feet tall.
He quietly ate his granola bar and drank half his water while checking his phone. He looked through his notifications to see 22 messages from his mom. Wow, he thought, she's dedicated. He turned his phone on Do Not Disturb to help ignore this problem. Sooner or later she'll give up and move on without him.

Skylar took a minute to observe his surroundings. The grass he was sitting in seemed to be 3 feet tall, the trees averaging 200 feet each, and even the leaves that had fallen to the ground could easily tower over him.

"Where am I?" He though to himself. He only knew the grounds of Huntington, is this how the rest of the world lived? Is this world filled with people who let their grass go for so long that is starts turning into a bendable ocean? The only logical explanation would be that this area was populated by lazy old men with genetically modified trees.

As the the night kept going, Skylar started to realize how tired he was. He had been walking for so long and didn't have much energy to go on. He started to shiver as he suddenly felt the chill of his wet clothes.

Looking through his backpack, he tried to find some kind of way to get warm. All he found were slightly damp clothes, his wallet, and a rusty pocket knife. He should have though this through before leaving. He kept walking, hoping to find some kind of shelter.

After what felt like forever, he could finally see the faintest light between a few enormous trees. Skylar started sprinting towards the shelter. He didn't care if he was exhausted, he just wanted to get out of this rain.
It seemed like forever until he reached the backyard of this light source. A large wooden cabin that was very jarring to look at. This wasn't just a town full of weirdos, this town was full of giants. The light came from a lantern that was twice his size and the plants that he could normally step on with no trouble, required effort to get around or push away.

He gasped as he suddenly realize. Where there was a giant house, there had to be a giant.

Not wanting to anger it by sneaking into it's house, Skylar found a bed of ivy and moss that acted as a sufficient bed and fell asleep to the rain hitting his face.

Natalie woke up to light rain hitting her bedroom window. She couldn't believe it, it's still raining. It felt like forever since she was able to have a nice walk in the sun.

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