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trigger warning, proceed with caution

Travis fearfully watched as his master got dressed, he tugged on clothes and messed up his hair.

He went over to the hamster cage that Travis resided in, he got low so his eyes were meeting Travis's face. "Be good, pet." He sneered.

Travis cried out as he gave the cage a harsh shake, the giant boy smirked at him. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Then we can have fun." He whispered seductively, licking his lips.

Travis cringed, fearfully pressing his bare back against the cage behind him. He left the room, leaving Travis shaking in his cage.

It had been months since he'd been shrunk by his master and claimed as his pet. He'd been tortured to an amount he didn't think was humanly possible, he was screamed at, kicked, squeezed, starved... raped.

Travis had cuts running down both arms, he had to use wood chips because he had no other sharp objects. His master wasn't able to see them, the cuts were too small.

Travis waited a few minutes before crawling to the door, he slid his skinny arm through the bars and pushed on the latch. It gave way and the door swung open.

Travis dropped to the desk, he shakily took a breath. He knew what was to come next, he couldn't live this way anymore.

Travis was surprisingly calm, there was a sick sense of relief, from the pain, the torture, the anxiety. A single tear worked its way out of Travis's eye.

He looked up at the sky, "Kyle, I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye," he said aloud taking a step forward.

"I love you, you were the only thing I had in this life," another step.

"But I-I can't. I can't do this Kyle, I can't live this way. Dear god please understand." Another step.

"Stay alive Kyle, survive dad's wrath and become something great." Another step, he was at the ledge.

"I love you. My little brother, my only friend. Remember me Kyle, please god. I'll watch over you, y-your angel. I'm so sorry." Travis wiped away his tears, he shut his eyes and took one last step, a step that sent him plummeting hundreds of feet to the floor.


i cried while writing this.

love you guys, i'm vent writing again.

written at 1:11am, my best time to be a depressed little cunt.

maybe i should get a therapist.

stay safe, stay strong. <3

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