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Written by the lovely UGHlashton


"Oh dear," Meg muttered, trailing her tongue to the outside of her cheek as she inspected the dish that laid in front of her, alive and squirming.

A boy delight.

So delicate and small, tied up with red flushed cheeks, certainly from crying as the little thing writhed with all his might. Afraid he might injure himself, she placed a careful finger on his chest, pity fluttering in her chest as his heart heaved with utter fear.

"Lady Meg," her mother scolded as she picked up a frantic creature off her plate and examined it with scrutinizing eyes, "you mustn't play with your meal, it is not proper."

Meg winced as her mother lowered it into her mouth, eyes fluttering in bliss at the taste. "Mmh."

"Yes mother," out of reflex, she tipped her head before returning her gaze to the tied up human. Goodness, he was so small and powerless to the whole situation.

With careful fingers, she gently pinched his young little frame between her fingers, cringing at how hard he struggled at the power Meg had just inflicted on him.

Just little animals, she thought bravely, trying to mask her disgust for having to eat this... boy. He was no animal, simply a town's boy, orphaned and taken away from his home to become a delighted treat for the upper class. She didn't like it one bit.

Audible whimpers escaped the boy as tears filled his ocean blue eyes, unable to accept the fact he would soon die.

Meg's poor heart couldn't take anymore of this pain that ripped away at her insides. "Shh, shh," she cooed the naked boy between her fingers, cupping him towards her chest.

"May I be excused?" She coughed into her napkin and hid the delighted treat from view. Her mother sent a curt nod towards her way and she hurried towards her room.

As soon as she closed the door, she gently set the kicking and punching boy onto her pillow, giggling softly as he lost his footing on the soft and plush pillow. "Careful now," she teased, helping him up with her pointer finger.

She settled down beside the boy, inspecting the boy with chocolate eyes. His bare stature shuddered with undeniable fear and wide eyes. Her stomach twisted into a tight knot that could not be undone.

"Don't be afraid," Meg whispered, voice as delicate as a flower. "No harm shall come to you, little one."

The boy visibly gulped under her soft and caring stare. He shivered as Meg's nail hovered over his spine causing a smile to graze her pink lips.

"Extraordinarily adorable," she murmured in awe, bringing both of her soft hands to cup around his petite figure. He glanced around like a frightened animal, causing Meg to giggle once more.

She fondled with his brown curls, feeling how tense the little delight was. She traced her butterfly like touch down his toned stomach and abs, collecting the addition seasoning that had dressed the miniature boy on her fingertip. His muscles tensed underneath her touch, quivering.

"Hey," her voice trailed out as tears slipped down the boy's cheeks, broken sobs escaping his body. "No, no, oh please. D-Don't cry, hush, hush."

Draping a blanket over his naked body, she wrapped it around his shivering figure.

A small smile of appreciation graced his lips and he wiped away stray tears. Meg returned the favour, gently ruffling the tiny head of hair with a gentle fingertip.

Instead of cringing and/or crying, the boy leaned into her touch, eyes slipping shut in bliss.

"You're safe now, little one," she cooed. The boy didn't answer, just crawling towards her with the blanket swallowing him. He made his way towards her stomach and snuggled right up against it.

"Thank y-you, m-master," the delight squeaked out, nuzzling his head into her dress affectionately. Meg smiled, tracing a finger on top of his head.

"Call me Meg, love. What's your name, little one?"

The boy looked up with blue eyes, still red from the previous cry he had done seconds before, "M-Matty."

The lady smiled, "well, Matty, you wouldn't mind saying with me for a little longer, it tends to get... lonely here." She glanced towards her room, all neat and full of things she couldn't possibly need. Yet she was so bored.

Matty shook his tiny head, letting the brown hair fall into his eyes. With a grin, Meg gently scooped the boy up and set him on her shoulder, wrapped around in his blanket like a frightened child.

He squeaked shrilly, desperately gripping onto Meg's long brown hair for stability. Meg only laughed softly and settled down in her bed, grabbing her book.

"Get some rest, my doll," she whispered to the yawning treat that had nuzzled himself into Meg's neck in an attempt to warm himself up. Meg started her book, keeping a hovering hand over her Matty that slept soundly to gentle pets and the warmth that surrounded him.

Too cute, too cute to eat, she thought peacefully as she continued to half heartedly read through her book. A quick nap wouldn't heart, perhaps her mother would kill her for sleeping in her dress but oh well.

Pinching the squirming figure between her fingers, she shushed him quietly and pressed his sleeping body to her chest, falling asleep to the quiet sound of her new friend breathe.

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