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written by musical_nerd101 this was 10/10 it's really intense


Jamie perched on one of the many metal pipes, swinging his legs idly. The sound of water running sounded from inside of it, the pipe he was sitting on vibrating slightly, indicating that someone in the large apartment complex where he lived, had flushed their toilet.

It used to disgust Jamie, but he's lived here for so long he's grown used to the disgusting sounds and the equally disgusting smells that accompany them.

"Jamie!" he heard his sister Megan calling, "Where are you? Mom needs you here right now so you can help Dad unload!"

Jamie sighed and looked down towards where his sister was yelling. The eighteen year old had her hands on her hips and was glaring up at him. She looked exactly like Mom when she did that.

The other Borrowers that lived in the same area of the building as them just pushed past her, continuing on with their business. They live in a relatively big community, with multiple families and couples and even a few travelers here and there.

However, with such a large population, they have to be extra careful not to be seen by the humans. Just one of them getting caught could jeopardize their entire existence.

Jamie sighed again and expertly jumped down from his perch, landing right in front of his sister.

"Tch," she sneered, "Show off."

Jamie just grinned at her, "You're just jealous that I found a good place to be alone before you did."

"In your dreams," Megan retorted, ruffling Jamie's dark brown hair much to his annoyance, "Now come on."

Jamie followed the brunette through the cement walls, weaving in between other Borrowers going about their daily routines, and stopping for some small children playing tag to run past them.

They eventually arrived at a small alcove where the family resided. They found their two twin younger brothers, Killian and Curtis, sword fighting with a couple of dull toothpicks.

"Oi," Megan snapped at them, grabbing the makeshift swords from the two boys, "Stop it before you hurt yourselves."

"Aw come on, Megan," the first twin complained, "don't be such a killjoy!"

"Yeah!" The other chimed in.

Megan pretended not to hear their whining, shoving the toothpicks under her arm and walking on.

"Come on, you two," Jamie said, ruffling the identical boy's brown hair, "let's help Dad unload his stuff and then what do you say I teach you how to make a grappling hook?"

The twins looked at each other and exchanged excited glances before dashing off to help.

Jamie jogged to keep up with them and found everyone sitting underneath a small tarp made out of multiple layers of tissue.

A man with graying black hair and a small black mustache looked up at him as he arrived, a smile forming on his face.

"Jamie! There you are!" He exclaimed.

Jamie smiled and approached his father, "What'd you come back with? Anything of interest?"

The man shook his head, "Not this time, unfortunately. Just some old string, a couple of crumbs of bread, and a safety pin."

Jamie looked down disappointedly, he always liked finding new things to tinker with and see what he could make out of them.

"Hey," his dad said, leaning close, "next time I go out, I'll try and find a bead for you, ok?"

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