marriage || headcanon - rufus shinra

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anonymous asked: First of all you're doing God's work by feeding us good content, so thank you! Second: Rufus + marriage hc/drabble whatever suits you, please w a cherry on top :)

rufus is typically aloof and distant from many people, maintaining a professional relationship with almost everyone. however, you soften him, turn him into a better man and make him question his own motives and what shinra is doing. around you, he completely abandons his cold exterior, and is incredibly tender and caring towards you.

he's a complete romantic towards you, spoiling you rotten and smothering you with love and affection. he comes home with bouquets of flowers and a present at least once a week, takes you out for dinner to a fancy, elegant restaurant. he'll let you buy fancy outfits for these meals out, a new one of each date.

at night he loves to cuddle up to you, he'll wrap his arms around you from behind and pull you close to his chest, sucking up your warmth and nuzzling his face into your neck and shoulder. he'll trap you in this position pretty much all night, so if you think you're going to be able to get out then you're wrong. good luck getting out in the morning too if you wake up before him, he clings even tighter if he's woken up.

but, if he does wake up before you, the first thing he does is press sleepy kisses to your face to gently rouse you. he'll kiss your nose, eyelids, cheeks, forehead and lips gingerly, whispering words of affection and love to you. he'll brush you hair away from your face, gently caress your face as you wake up, smile back when you smile at him.

he shields you from a lot of things that happen at shinra, he doesn't want you to be corrupted by his father's work, and would rather make sure you're not exposed to anything evil. he knows he can't protect you forever, but he'll try his best, and do anything he can to protect you.

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