baby talk || headcanon - biggs

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anonymous asked: Hey there~ Can I request some Biggs and Reader with Biggs watching over their baby while reader finally gets some sleep? I need some fluff ( ' ▽ ' )

ever since you had your baby, biggs' favourite activity has been looking after his little one. sure, it's absolutely exhausting, and he doesn't blame you for taking this opportunity to get some shut eye. you deserve it, after all, producing and pushing out a baby and then taking care of it from the minute it's born is hard work. his only contributions were the baby-making process, providing you everything you needed during the pregnancy and letting you break his hand during the labour, so in his eyes this is the least he could do.

he's absolutely enamoured with your little boy, can't get enough off his cute little cheeks and tiny little hands. he'd been warned that boys always came out looking like grumpy old men, but in biggs' eyes his boy couldn't be anything short of perfect. his little button nose and big brown orbs, the tuft of brown hair on top of his head, one that you'd remarked would soon look like his father's if it continued to grow at the rate it was. his boy is perfect, and that's a fact.

he knows instantly what to do when your little boy wakes up in his arm, searching for his mother, tears welling in his eyes when he can't see you. biggs had read every parenthood book available to him, and had even gone around the sector 7 slums in search of fathers who would give him advice. he had experience with children, but only toddlers and upwards, a baby was new territory, and he'd be damned if he made a mistake. he'd pestered barret for hours, and although the large man adopted marlene when she was a year old, he knew a few things from his interactions with her as a baby - it didn't take long for barret to tell him to shut up and go away, however.

he coos loving words and presses gentle kisses onto the wrinkled forehead, gently rocking his boy in his arms, suddenly acutely aware of your sleeping form just metres away in the bedroom. he lifts a finger and strokes the little one's cheek, humming a soft melody jessie's mother had taught him when he'd visited a while ago, still red with the joy of his new found role as a father. it coaxes the little one into silence, and soon the thick black eyelashes are fluttering closed once more, forehead smoothing out.

promises are whispered, i love yous and i'll never let you gos. promises biggs knows he will fulfill, and if anything tries to stop him he'll make damn well sure that it's swiftly dealt with. he wants his boy to live a happy life, where the grass is green and the skies are visible, where he doesn't have to worry about changing filters or when his next meal will be. biggs knows he'll do everything in his power to make sure he can provide the best future possible for his boy, because he deserves the world.

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