trouble || headcanon - rufus shinra

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anonymous asked: Was wondering if it was possible to do a two part headcanon. Rufus has a daughter that loves to dress up darknation in cute girly outfits. Who would this macho beast act? Second is Rufus's daughter learns the F-bomb from Reno and says it. What would his reaction be? Thanks so much for what you do! Take care!

rufus had been skeptical about letting your daughter go near darknation. the hound had been trained for the sole purpose of killing, and rufus only had so much control over him. he's terrified of leaving the two in a room together, and he rages whenever he finds out the two have, because who knows what the hell could have happened.

but after a considerable amount of reassurance by you and a lot of acclamation, he'll gradually start to relent, but he'll still be hyper-aware whenever the two are interacting. however, he eventually he realises that the two have become fast best friends when your daughter somehow squeezes one of her princess dresses on him, and instead of turning the gown off, the hound just lets the little girl "do his hair" obediently.

rufus had also been reluctant at letting reno of all people babysit your daughter, but he was a good friend of yours and your daughter's god father. and after a while, rufus slowly begins to get used to the idea, begins to trust reno with his daughter's life as you do, and before he knows it, he doesn't want another person looking after your daughter other than reno.

although, when your daughter suddenly drops the f-bomb after smashing her toes against a table, he starts to question why the hell he'd think it was a good idea in the first place. he feels a strange mix of pride and anger, pride because your daughter used it in the right context, but also anger than his sweet, angelic daughter has been clearly tainted by reno's foul langauage.

it takes a lot of convincing on your part to persuade rufus to let you deal with reno, because you know rufus will unleash hell on the turk. but he still makes sure to be looming presence, glaring at reno whenever he can, and it's highly likely he'll get someone else to be the babysitter. in an odd way, though, he feels grateful to reno, just because it's hilarious when your daughter swears and shocks everyone around him.

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