halloween || headcanon - reno and rufus shinra

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anonymous asked: Hi! It's the anon that's didn't realize Reno is your fav and I LOVED it! What's your favorite holiday? And can you write how Reno would act around his s/o during said holiday? Can I request one for Rufus as well? -💫


reno lives for halloween. it's undoubtedly his favourite holiday, mainly because it means he can play tricks and pranks on people with a reason. don't think you'll escape the tricks just because you're his s/o though, he's always got something up his sleeve, although he gets the most satisfaction out of silently creeping up behind you and saying 'boo' in your ear.

he's more than happy to decorate the house for the holiday with you. he'll help put up fake cobwebs (although he'll always joke about how you decorate all year round because of the actual cobwebs), pick pumpkins with you (definitely the type of guy to taunt you with the innards), and will eat candy with you all night into your stomach hurt.

and yes, he will make you watch as many horror movies with him as he can. if they really do freak you out, he'll just watch alone, but he's more than happy to wrap you up in his arms and protect you from all the suddenly frightening sounds of the house. he'll even hold you all night long to make sure you're safe and sound, as payment for him laughing at you when you screamed at a jump scare.

rufus shinra

rufus doesn't entirely understand the fanfare behind halloween - it's a random, silly and pointless holiday in his opinion, and he's never really been too concerned with making sure he celebrates it. but, because he knows that you love it, he'll happily celebrate the holiday with you, but don't expect him to be overly enthusiastic about it.

nonetheless, he'll still pull out all the stops for you. you have unlimited access to his bank account to buy as many decorations as you want, and he'll make sure you only have the best of the best. he'll even try to encourage you to hire a professional decorator, but will relinquish when you say you want to decorate yourself. and although he hates anything messy, he'll even carve pumpkins with you.

horror movies don't scare him, so he'll watch them with you if that's what you want to do. if anything, he's bemused by your screeches of terror when there's a certain jump scare, and after one particular jolt of shock from you, he can't help but throw his head back and laugh. he finds it adorable that you're so determined to watch horror movies for the holiday, and can't help but smile fondly when you curl up into his side for protection.

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